Title: 光碟讀取系統之模擬
Simultion of Read-Out Systems for Optical Discs
Authors: 林永峰
Yong Fong Lin
Yinchieh Lai
Keywords: 讀取系統;僅寫型碟片;磁光碟片;read-out systems;CD-R discs;MO discs
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 在本論文中探討了光碟讀取系統(read-out systems)內的各種光學現象 包括聚焦效應、磁光碟片的多層反射、碟片凹槽散射與光信號偵測等部 份 並且發展了嚴格的向量繞射理論來與常量繞射理論作比較。本論文也 將上述的各種光學現象整合成一個完整的模擬程式,可以針對ㄕP結構的 光碟片與讀取系統來計算重要的系統參數,並可用來研究高密度□虼t統 中的碟片與光學系統的設計問題,最後我們也利用此程式對僅寫型苳□ CD-R discs)與磁光碟片(MO discs)做了初步的設計。 In the thesis we study the various optical phenomena in read- ut systems of optical discs. They include beam focusing with aigh NA lens, reflections from a multilayer structure, scatteringy disc grooves and signal detection using a multiple sectionhoto detector. We also develop a complete simulation program to alculate important system parameters for different discs andead-out systems. We have used it to perform elementary design ofD-R and MO discs.
Appears in Collections:Thesis