Title: 光在壓縮態下所產生光電流的變動
Photocurrent Fluctuation of Squeezed Light
Authors: 朱元隆
Chu Yuen Long
Meng Hsin Fei
Keywords: 壓縮態;光電流;隨機;Squeeze;Quadrature;noise;Langevin;Stochastic
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 壓縮態光在實驗上已經可以被製造,我們則在理論上尋找合理的解釋,經 由光的量子理論可知,由壓縮光所產生的噪音減低效應,可以被解釋光電 子計數過程中存在有記憶的效應,光愈被壓縮則記憶效應愈大,此時噪音 會愈低,我們的理論可以解釋許多實驗觀察到的現象。 Theoretical analyses of the fluctuation properties of photo- current are derived. By the quantum theory of light, the noise reduction due to squeezing is explained as a manifestation of the memory effect of photoelectron counting process. It is found that the more the light is squeezed, the larger the memory effect is. Both photon number squeezing and quadrature squeezing are considered. Several parameters are used to model quantum state of light, especially the squeezed coherent light. The quantitative connection between its photon number/ quadrature variance and its photocurrent noise spectrum is established.
Appears in Collections:Thesis