Title: 電子故事書的描述語言及播放系統之設計與製作
The Design and Implementation of a Script Language and Playback System for Electronic Story Book
Authors: 孔崇旭
Chorng-Shiuh Koong
Deng-Jyi Chen
Keywords: 多媒體系統描述語言; 多媒體播放系統; 電子故事書; 物件導向技術;軟體再利用;multimedia system; Script Language; electronic story book; object-oriented technique
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 由於製作一部多媒體的電子故事書所需的人力物力眾多,包括腳本撰寫人 員、美工人員及程式設計人員......等等。所以,開發一部多媒體的電子 故事書時,進度很難控制,軟體的品質更難掌握,因此,發展一套輔助軟 體工具來協助開發多媒體的電子故事書是非常必要的。製作一部多媒體電 子故事書可區分為三大部份:(1). 腳本設計。(2). 美工音效設計。 (3). 程式設計。我們的目標是設計一個電子故事書的發展環境,發展一 種電子故事書的描述語言及電子故事書的播放系統,來協助發展電子故事 書的多媒體的軟體產品。此種描述語言是一種以場景為基礎,具有平行執 行能力的語言,可以用來撰寫電子故事書的腳本。而且在製作動畫的效果 、語音同步的控制及與使用者互動交談能力上,所提供的功能都非常的強 。整個系統是根據軟體再利用的觀念,利用物件導向的技術來設計的。我 們也利用此描述語言,實做一部簡單電子故事書來展示其可行性,以及所 具有的能力。 To create a multimedia electronic story book, it takes lots of efforts and uses a variety of equipments, including script writer, designer and programmer, etc. It is difficult to control the progress and handle the quality of the software product of electronic story book. Hence, to develop a case tool is necessary for creating an electronic story book. There are three major tasks required to create a electronic book : (1) Script design. (2) Image and audio design. (3) Software design. Our objective is to provide an environment which supports the development of an electronic story book--to design a script language for describing electronic story book scenario, and to design a playback system for the presentation electronic story book. The proposed script language is a scene- based language for modeling the electronic story book. It supports features such as making the effect of animation, synchronous for text and voice, and the interaction with the users. The overall design is based on the software reuse idea and object-oriented technique. Based on the script language, we have develop a demo-version electronic story book - Garden Jungle to demonstrate its applicability and the features supported in this script language.
Appears in Collections:Thesis