Title: 影像處理技術應用於立體資料視覺化
Research on Applying the Technology of Image Processing to Volume Rendering
Authors: 劉自強
Tzu-Chiang Liuo
Yu-Tai Ching
Keywords: 影像處理;視覺化;形態學插值法.;Image Processing;Visualization;Morphological Interpolation
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 在這篇論文中,我們研究3D醫學影像的視覺化。無論是CT或MRI影像中,我 們認為必須應用影像處理的技術,以其達到較高的自動化,進而提高立體資 料視覺化的用途。在我們的實驗結果顯示,在影像處理之後,視覺化的方法 要做適當的調整,最主要是surface normal的訂定,我們利用影像處理的技 術處理以上的問題。在實驗的過程中,我們發現CT取像通常都不會太多層, 在resolution不夠時,任何視覺化的方法都難以做出正確的、等比例的 reconstruct。在此論文中,我們用Morphological interpolation應用著 影像處理的技術來解決上述的問題。 This paper deals with the research of volume rendering of 3D medical data sets. Our goal is to volume render the CT and MRI data sers. We believe that we must apply the technology of image processing to obtain more automation and increase the use of volume rendering. Based on the experimental results, the volume rendering is done a proper adjustment after applying the image processing. It is general the surface normal. We adopt the technology of image processing (Sobel operator) to do and boundary extraction and get the surface normal. In our experimental process, we discover that the CT slices are not too much. These CT data sets have low resolution in z direction than in x or y directions. As low resolution, any volume can not do the correct and equal ratio reconstruction. In this paper, we apply morphological interpolation and the technology of image processing to slove above problem.
Appears in Collections:Thesis