Title: 一個物件擺置系統
A System of Facility Layout
Authors: 蔡旺儒
Tsai, Wang-Ru
Li, Han-Lin
Keywords: 物件擺置問題;混合整數規畫;目標規畫;非重疊限制式;關係語法;專家系統;facility layout problem;mix-integer programming;goal programming;non-overlapping constraints
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 物件擺置問題是指將物件在滿足限制式之要求下求運輸成本最小的擺置。 其應用範圍是十分廣泛的,故建構一套物件擺置的專家系統將會是十分有 用及必須的。本論文提出一啟發式的演算法,藉由混合整數規畫及目標規 畫的技巧,使本線性模型可以處理不重疊限制。此外,本模型利用一描述 空間關係的語法,藉由轉換語法成為線性限制式的方式,可以處理物件之 間的關係,使此模型可以適用於物件擺置專家系統之建構。 The facility layout problem is concerned with laying out facilities on a planar site as efficient as possible. Due to its wide applications, it would be useful to build an expert system of facility layout. This thesis proposed a heuristic algorithm, which utilizes the mix-integer programming and goal programming approaches, to solve the facility layout problem and is suitable for building an expert system. The proposed algorithm first develops a spatial grammar to describe the relationships among objects. After that, the non-overlapping constraints among objects are linearized thus to simplify the complex constraints. Finally, we design a man-machine interface of an expert system which is based on the proposed algorithm.
Appears in Collections:Thesis