Title: | EDI關鍵成功因素之研究 -- 比較產業、廠商特性及主管的認知差異 Critical Success Factors of EDI -- A Study on the Effects of Industry's, Firm's Characteristics and Manager's Roles |
Authors: | 劉惠萍 Liu, Huey-Ping 林子銘, 尤克強 Lin, Jimming and Yu, Keh-Chaing 資訊管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 電子資料交換;跨組織資訊系統;關鍵成功因素;;Electronic Data Interchange;EDI; IOS; Critical success factor; CSFs; |
Issue Date: | 1994 |
Abstract: | 電子資料交換(Electronic Data Interchange, 簡稱EDI)是跨組織資訊系 統(Interorganizational System, 簡稱IOS) 的一種,它結合了電腦與通 訊,將企業與企業之間業務往來的商業交易文件,以標準化的格式傳送, 取代了以往文件交易的方式。當企業面對愈來愈迫切的EDI需求時,如何 有效引進EDI,並發揮潛在效益,是企業所關心的。本研究採實證研究方 式,探討企業實施EDI的關鍵成功因素。並探索不同產業別(製造業與服 務業、EDI專案別)、廠商特性(如企業規模、電腦化經驗、是否有MIS部 門、EDI使用經驗、EDI使用量、自願或被迫採用等)、主管角色(總經理 、資訊部門主管)對其重要性的認知是否有差異。本研究首先從以往文獻 中歸納出25個實施EDI的關鍵成功因素,以台灣已實施EDI的企業為研究對 象,得到受訪者對其認知的重要性排序。再利用主成份分析方法,將原始 關鍵成功因素縮減成五個簡單的因素構面,分別命名為組織因素、技術因 素、策略因素、系統因素與環境因素。針對不同產業、廠商特性、主管角 色對其進行多變量變異數分析檢定。發現服務業較製造業重視組織、系統 與產業因素;通關自動化與商業EDI專案使用者較製造業EDI使用者重視產 業環境因素;有資訊部門的企業較沒有資訊部門的企業重視技術因素; EDI高使用量者較低使用量者重視系統因素;資訊主管較高階經理重視技 術因素,而高階經理較資訊主管重視系統因素。此外,本研究亦針對企業 採用EDI後,所帶來的效益部份進行調查。發現交易速度與資訊品質這兩 項效益較受受訪者的肯定;作業管理與策略優勢次之;效益最差的是行政 成本。經檢定結果發現,影響EDI效益的關鍵因素為組織支持、實施程序 、控制程序以及EDI的內、外部整合程度。根據實證結果,本研究提出一 些建議,做為政府與企業實施EDI的參考。最後,提出未來研究方向,以 供後續研究參考。 Electronic Data Interchange(EDI) is a subset of interorganizational systems. It combines the computer and communication technology and allows business partners to send and receive standardized commercial documents electronically, instead of writing and mailing them manually . EDI has become more and more important. What the enterprises concern is how to transfer EDI effectively, and to exert all its potentional benefits. A survey was distributed to 189 Taiwan's EDI users to determine the critical success factors for EDI, and to explore the effects of industry's (service or manufacturing industry, EDI project), firm's characteristics (e.g. size, computerize experience, MIS department, EDI experience, EDI volume, voluntary or imposed) and manager's roles(general manager or MIS manager). Twenty five CSFs were identified from various sources. A factor analysis was performed to identify five composite CSFs : organizational factor, technical factor, strategic factor, systematic factor and industrial factor. Then, a MANOVA procedure was used to test for the effects of industry's, firm's characteristics and manager's roles on EDI's CSFs evaluation. The results indicate that service industry emphasizes more on organizational, systematic and industrial factors than manufacturing industry. Customs EDI and distribution EDI emphasize more on industrial environmental factor then manufacturing EDI; enterprises with MIS department emphasize on technical factor; high EDI volume users emphasize more on systematic factor then low EDI volume users ; MIS managers emphasize more on technical factor then general managers, and general managers emphasize on systematic factor. Finally,this research made some suggestions for government and business implementing EDI, and proposed some research directions for future study. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/59134 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |