Title: 四位元主動式尋址STN LCD控制器之製作與量測
The Fabrication and Measurement of 4-bit Modified Active Addressing Controller for STN LCDs
Authors: 蕭全成
Cheng-cherng Shiau
Jiin-Chuan Wu
Keywords: 液晶顯示器;主動式尋址;LCD; STN; active addressing; Pulese-Height Modulation; Sequency Addressing Technique
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 在本論文中,我們提出一個新的液晶顯示電子驅動技術,此方式稱為"改 良式主動尋址(Modified Active Addressing)",它是一個結合了主動式 尋址(Active Addressing)、脈波高度調變(Pulse-Height Modu- lation) 與循序尋址技術(Sequency Addressing Technique)的概念。它能使快速 超扭轉液晶顯示器(STN LCD)傳送全動畫面而不致喪失亮度、對比、及解 析度。與主動式尋址比較,因為硬體電路需求的簡化,大大地降低了製作 成本與晶片面積。此外,更可以顯示灰階畫面。在本論文中,我們首先討 論主動尋址修正版的原理與數學模式。其次,我們用軟體模擬來驗證一個 面板大小為 320X480、16灰階、可傳視訊的液晶顯示器的功能與否正確。 在電路的設計上亦有所說明。本控制器使用 SPDM CMOS 0.8um 的製程來 實現。量測結果是大部份功能都正確。 The fabrication and measurement of a new electronic drive technique called Modified Active Addressing method,which is a new method combining the concepts of Active Addressing Pulse- Height Modulation and Sequecncy Addressing Technique, is pre- sented. This new technique makes possible for high brightness, high contrast, and without loss of resolution for fast respond- ing STN LCDs(Super Twisted Nematic Liquid Crystal Displays). As compared with Active Addressing, the new method reduces signi- ficantly the chip size and manufacturing costs for simplifying the hardware require ments of the system considerably. Mathema- tical description for deriving the theory of Modified Active Addressing method is first discussed. Software simulations were used to verify the functions of implemented architecture which is applied to drive a 320X480, 16 grey-level,video rate STN LCD panel. Circuit design for implementing the modified Active Add- ressing Method is presented. The controller has been fabricated in a 0.8um CMOS single-poly double-metal twin-well technology.
Appears in Collections:Thesis