Title: 甄選面談問題類型之相關因素探討:一個探索性的研究
An Exploratory Study of Factors Affecting Types of Interview Questions
Authors: 陳胤樺
Chen, Ying-hua
Tsai, Wei-Chi
Keywords: 甄選面談;面談問題;情境式問題;過去經驗式問題;Selection Interview;Job Interview Questions;Situational questions;Patterned behavioral description interviews
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 甄選(Selection)為使用各種工具蒐集應徵者的資訊,以決定該雇用誰的過程。一般常見的甄選方法包含了履歷表、面談、能力測驗(中英文測驗、智力測驗等)、特殊專業知識測驗、正直測驗、人格測驗、工作樣本法、評量中心法…等。而其中,甄選面談為實務界最常被運用的甄選工具之一。 甄選面談最受爭議的部分,即為面試官對應徵者的知覺容易受其主觀的知覺及本身條件所影響,如面試官與應徵者的性別、年齡、可獲得的背景資訊、問題型態、及工作分析的方式,皆會干擾主試官對應徵者的評量及喜好程度,進而影響面談結果(Gorden, Rozelle & Baxter, 1998; Hitt & Barr, 1989; Campion , Palmer, & Campion, 1997; Dipboye, 1992)。有鑑於此,本研究著重在瞭解影響面試官所採用的問題型態之相關因素、並且探討面試官喜歡採用過去經驗式問題、情境式問題的問題來詢問哪些特定的題型。 本研究由181位主管回憶過去一年中執行某次面談時所問的面試問題,再由兩位接受過訓練的學生評分員,將所得到的1307個面試問題,依照「甄選面談的測量構念」及「情境式/過去經驗式問題分類」兩種獨立的分類法分別歸類,再進行統計分析。研究結果發現面試官在甄選面談中,最常問的問題為知識與技巧、其他問題及組織配適度。此外,面試官傾向採用情境式問題,來瞭解應徵者「應用的心智能力」、「溝通技巧」、「勸說與溝通能力」、「價值觀與道德標準」構念;另外,也會採用過去經驗式問題,來瞭解應徵者的「應用的心智能力」、「工作經驗」、「人格特質」、「人際技巧」、「勸說與溝通能力」。 本研究結果在實務方面可提供組織及面試官執行甄選活動的參考。對於求職者,亦可根據本研究之結果,作為準備面談的方向參考。
Selection is the process of using various tools to collect applicants’ data to decide whom to hire. Selection tools include resume, interview, ability tests, professional tests, integrity test, personality test, work samples, assessment center, and etc. Above all, selection interview is probably the most common used selection tools. The most critical issue of selection interview is that interviewers’ perceptions towards applicants are easily affected by subject opinions or personal factors, such as genders, ages, background information, question types, job analysis procedures. Thus, the present study examined which factors affect type of job interview questions, and further investigated interviewers’ preference for using situational questions or patterned behavioral description interviews asking what types of questions. 181 interviewers recalled the questions they asked and general information in one interview within a year. Then, two trained coders code each 1307 interview questions as to the psychological construct that it reflected. The result indicated that the most common job interview questions are in the order of knowledge and skills, other questions, and PO-fit. Furthermore, interviewers used situational questions to understand interviewees’ applied mental skills, communication skills, persuading and negotiating, and values and moral standards. Besides, they used patterned behavioral description interviews to understand interviewees’ applied mental skills, work experience, personality traits, interpersonal skills, and persuading and negotiating. Practically, enterprises and interviewers can employ insights from this study for designing selection interview. Furthermore, applicants can refer to this study to prepare for interview.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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