Title: 16灰階主動式尋址STN LCD控制器之設計
The Design of 16-gray-level Controller Using Modified Active Addressing and Frame Modulation
Authors: 何文豪
Wen-Hao Ho
Jiin-Chuan Wu
Keywords: 液晶顯示器;主動式尋址;LCD; STN; active addressing; frame modulation
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 在本篇論文中,我們提出了一種改良的主動式尋址液晶顯示器的驅動技術 。此種新的方法,不但能夠達到高的對比度,還能夠消除造成畫面閃動的 ”圖框響應( Frame response )" 現象及降低顯示列上所加的驅動電壓 。在整個電路中,我們同時也引進了一種僅需要極少的硬體電路就能夠產 生灰階的方法,那就是所謂的”圖框調變”的技術。整個電路利用了 0.8um 單層多晶矽 ( Single-Poly ),雙層金屬 ( Double- Metal ) 的 製程技術,做成了一顆積體電路 ( IC )。這顆積體電路工作於 36.864MHz 的信號頻率,可以控制 480 * 320 像素 ( pixel ) 的 STN LCD 面板。在本篇論文中,我們將詳細介紹改良之主動尋址的驅動原理。 至於硬體電路、電腦分析模擬、佈局描速以及量測結果都將被介紹於後。 This thesis describes a new LCD driving technique, called modified active addressing, which yields high contrast ratio, eliminates "frame response" and reduces the amplitude of selected rows. We also describe a method to generate gray level which uses less hardware and is called frame modulation. This circuit has been fabricated in a 0.8um CMOS single poly double metal technology. This IC operates at 36.864MHz to control 480*320 pixels STN LCD panel. In this thesis, the detailed theoretical description for the modified active addressing, hardware circuit, spice simulation result, layout description and measurement results will be presented.
Appears in Collections:Thesis