Title: 多頻道Dicke熱輻射儀之設計與操作
Design and Operation of a Multiband Dicke Radiometer
Authors: 胡家銘
William J. Hu
Lin-Kun Wu
Keywords: 微波, 熱輻射儀, 醫療;Microwave, Radiometer, Medical
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 近年來, 微波熱輻射儀在醫學方面的應用, 吸引了許多的研究投入其中, 尤其是在乳癌的檢驗上, 以及微波熱療法的溫度監控上。本論文介紹一個 未來可能可以應用在醫學領域的多頻道微波熱輻射儀( 2-8GHz, 每個頻 道100MHz) 。本論文包含基本理論與初步的實驗成果。 In recent years, radiometer applicaiton in the field of medicine has drawn a lot of interest, especially the detection of breast cancer and the temperaure monitoring of hyperthemia. This thesis introduces a multiband raidometer (2-8 GHz, 100MHz per channel) which has the potential of being applied in the medical field. This thesis includes basic theory and preliminary results of a multiband Dicke radiometer system.
Appears in Collections:Thesis