Title: 聚(苯基丙烯酸酯)分子內重排及其抗紫外線之研究
Study of Intramolecular Rearrangement and Photo-Resistance of Poly(phenyl acrylate)
Authors: 王信陽
Shinn-Yang Wang
M. S. Lin
Keywords: 光氧老化 , 分子內重排 , 氫鍵 , 弗萊斯重排;Photo-degradation , Intramolecular , Hydrogen bonding Fries rearrangement
Issue Date: 1994
Abstract: 聚(苯基丙烯酸酯)在紫外光照射下會進行分子內的Fries Rearrangement 反應.由於其中有分子內氫鍵的六員環,會吸收紫外光後發生共振現象,經 由物理過程釋放出能量,是一種優良的紫外光吸收劑.聚(苯基丙烯酸酯)摻 混進去環氧樹脂中, 會有幫助環氧樹脂抵抗光氧老化的效果.雖然聚(苯基 丙烯酸酯)和環氧樹脂只是部份相容,但由機械性質的測試:包括抗張強度 及耐衝擊強度的測試,都證明聚(苯基丙烯酸酯)有安定環氧樹脂地效果. The intramolecular Fries rearrangement of poly(phenyl acrylate), upon irraditation of UV , resulted in the formation of poly(o- hydroxyphenyl vinyl ketone) , which is an effective UV-absorbing polymer . The resonance of H-bonding between the carbonyl and the ortho hydroxy groups in the six-membered ring is believed to release the absorbed photo energy via physical process. The PPA incorporated epoxy resin (DGEBA) indicated promising resistance to photo-degradation. Various PPA/EPOXY blend samples , although partially compatibles, showed improved retention of mechanical properties including tensile-elongation and impact resistance.
Appears in Collections:Thesis