期刊論文 : [36451]

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類別內的文件 (依公開日期由降冪排序排序): 從 1 到 20 筆,總共 36451 筆
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1-三月-2021Incoherent Laser Heterodyned Long-Reach 60-GHz MMWoF Link With Volterra Filtered 16-QAM OFDM Beyond 13 GbpsTsai, Cheng-Ting; Li, Chien-Cheng; Chen, Chao-Wei; Chi, Yu-Chieh; Lin, Chun-Ting; Chi, Sien; Lin, Gong-Ru; 光電系統研究所; Institute of Photonic System
15-十二月-2020Composition-balanced trimetallic MOFs as ultra-efficient electrocatalysts for oxygen evolution reaction at high current densitiesRaja, Duraisamy Senthil; Huang, Chun-Lung; Chen, Yu-An; Choi, YongMan; Lu, Shih-Yuan; 光電學院; College of Photonics
15-十二月-2020Application of a natural antioxidant as an efficient strategy to decrease the oxidation in Sn-based perovskitesMohammadian-Sarcheshmeh, Hamideh; Mazloum-Ardakani, Mohammad; Rameez, Mohammad; Shahbazi, Saeed; Diau, Eric Wei-Guang; 應用化學系; 應用化學系分子科學碩博班; Department of Applied Chemistry; Institute of Molecular science
1-十二月-2020On mathematical analysis of synchronization to bidirectionally coupled Kuramoto oscillatorsChen, Shih-Hsin; Hsia, Chun-Hsiung; Shiue, Ming-Cheng; 應用數學系; Department of Applied Mathematics
30-十一月-2020Au-Pt-Pd spherically self-assembled nano-sieves as SERS sensorsChang, Fang-Ching; Huang, Jing-Wen; Chen, Chun-Hua; 材料科學與工程學系; Department of Materials Science and Engineering
15-十一月-2020Dayside-to-nightside dust coma brightness asymmetry and its implications for nightside activity at Comet 67P/Churyumov-GerasimenkoGerig, S-B; Pinzon-Rodriguez, O.; Marschall, R.; Wu, J-S; Thomas, N.; 機械工程學系; Department of Mechanical Engineering
15-十一月-2020Growth characteristics of Fe-doped GaN epilayers on SiC (001) substrates and their effects on high breakdown voltage devicesChang, Kai-Ping; Lin, Po-Jung; Horng, Ray-Hua; Wuu, Dong-Sing; 電子工程學系及電子研究所; Department of Electronics Engineering and Institute of Electronics
15-十一月-2020Germanium-assisted growth of titanium dioxide nanowires for enhanced photocatalytic and electron emission performanceChen, Chih-Yen; Lin, Tzu-Chien; Chuang, Wen-Shuo; Chang, Jeng-Kuei; Lee, Sheng-Wei; 材料科學與工程學系; Department of Materials Science and Engineering
15-十一月-20202.333-Tbit/s bi-directional optical mobile networks using optical wireless communication (OWC)Wei, Liang-Yu; Chen, Shu-, I; Yeh, Chien-Hung; Liu, Yang; Chen, Guan-Hong; Peng, Ching-Wei; Gunawan, Wahyu Hendra; Chang, Yun-Han; Guo, Pin-Cheng; Chow, Chi-Wai; 光電工程學系; Department of Photonics
1-十一月-2020Bioethanol production from acid pretreated microalgal hydrolysate using microwave-assisted heating wet torrefactionYu, Kai Ling; Chen, Wei-Hsin; Sheen, Herng-Kuang; Chang, Jo-Shu; Lin, Chih-Sheng; Ong, Hwai Chyuan; Show, Pau Loke; Ling, Tau Chuan; 生物科技學系; Department of Biological Science and Technology
1-十一月-2020Maternal mediation as an act of privacy invasion: The association with internet addictionLiu, Yih-Lan; 教育研究所; Institute of Education
15-十月-2020A detailed ellipsometric porosimetry and positron annihilation spectroscopy study of porous organosilicate-glass films with various ratios of methyl terminal and ethylene bridging groupsRasadujjaman, M.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, L.; Naumov, S.; Attallah, A. G.; Liedke, M. O.; Koehler, N.; Redzheb, M.; Vishnevskiy, A. S.; Seregin, D. S.; Wu, Y.; Zhang, J.; Leu, J.; Wagner, A.; Vorotilov, K. A.; Schulz, S. E.; Baklanov, M. R.; 交大名義發表; National Chiao Tung University
15-十月-2020The performance of the PM2.5 VSCC and oil-wetted M-WINS in long-term field sampling studiesThi-Cuc Le; Fu, Chang-Xing; Sung, Jung-Che; Li, Zi-Yi; Pui, David Y. H.; Tsai, Chuen-Jinn; 環境工程研究所; Institute of Environmental Engineering
15-十月-2020Coconut shell derived activated biochar-manganese dioxide nanocomposites for high performance capacitive deionizationAdorna Jr, Joemer; Borines, Myra; Van Dien Dang; Doong, Ruey-An; 環境工程研究所; Institute of Environmental Engineering
15-十月-2020Quantum chemical modeling of spontaneous reactions of N2O4 with hydrazines in CCl4 solution at low temperatureHuyen, Trinh Le; Raghunath, P.; Lin, M. C.; 交大名義發表; 應用化學系; National Chiao Tung University; Department of Applied Chemistry
15-十月-2020The undirected optical indices of complete m-ary treesLo, Yuan-Hsun; Fu, Hung-Lin; Zhang, Yijin; Wong, Wing Shing; 應用數學系; Department of Applied Mathematics
5-十月-2020P???N type pnicogen bonding in phosphorus trichloride-pyridine adduct: A matrix isolation infrared, DFT and ab initio studyJoshi, Prasad Ramesh; Sankaran, K.; 應用化學系; 應用化學系分子科學碩博班; Department of Applied Chemistry; Institute of Molecular science
1-十月-2020Constant depth fault-tolerant Clifford circuits for multi-qubit large block codesZheng, Yi-Cong; Lai, Ching-Yi; Brun, Todd A.; Kwek, Leong-Chuan; 電信工程研究所; Institute of Communications Engineering
1-十月-2020Matrix powers with circular numerical rangeGau, Hwa-Long; Wang, Kuo-Zhong; 應用數學系; Department of Applied Mathematics
1-十月-2020Analysis of Non-Hermitian symmetry (NHS) IFFT/FFT size efficient OFDM for multiple-client non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) visible light communication (VLC) systemAdnan, Assaidah; Liu, Yang; Chow, Chi-Wai; Yeh, Chien-Hung; 交大名義發表; 光電工程學系; National Chiao Tung University; Department of Photonics
Collection's Items (Sorted by 公開日期 in 降冪排序 order): 1 to 20 of 36451
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