Title: 以類實驗室法分析路線選擇行為之研究
The Study of Analyzing Route Choice Behavior by Laboratory-Like Method
Authors: 喻世祥
Yuh, Shyh-Shyang
Shoei-Uei Wu
Keywords: 類實驗室法;Laboratory-Like Method
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 駕駛者資訊系統提供道路的相關資訊,作為駕駛者用路時的輔助, 同時也試圖合理地 分配路網的車流,以避免交通的壅塞。駕駛人在不同 資訊環境的接受程度,以及長期通勤 活動下,資訊對人們通勤行為的改 變,對於未來開發路線諮詢系統,是一項相當重要的課 題,可據此擬定 適當的建議路線方案,以求得資訊的最佳影響效率。 以往收集用路人行為資料的方法以問卷和模擬為主,而本研究則使用類實 驗室法作為 收集用路人決策屬性的工具,以二元羅吉斯模式建構路線轉 換的關係。在實驗情境的控制 之下,對以下課題進行研究:路網在不同 的資訊普及率下,系統的績效和運作特性;群體 於不同資訊普及率的系 統內,所呈現通勤行為的特性;不同實驗設定情境下,路線轉換模 式的 比較;通勤時壓力值對於用路人在資訊萃取上的影響;提供指示性資訊對 系統績效的 改善情況。透過實驗每次的反覆所觀察的結果,可以得知長 期在資訊普及率不同的情況下 ,系統使用者選擇路線行為的穩定狀態, 進一步可依群落分析法找出各類型的行為特性, 以瞭解資訊在傳遞上所 要面對的影響群組。在壓力值的課題上,除了研究決策者所重視的 程度 ,對於決策者內心萃取資訊的狀況亦加以探討。而提供指示性資訊的實驗 ,更可發掘 此一資訊諮詢系統所面臨的潛在問題。 研究結果顯示,隨著資訊普及率的提高,道路系統之運作一般都有較好的 績效,但指 示性資訊受到參與者遵循建議的影響,改善績效和僅提供道 路現況資訊的系統相差不多。 參與者隨著資訊普及率的上昇,原本保守 的路線選擇決策便會逐漸調整為更具彈性,對於 影響決策目標因素的注 意會轉移並擴大,以適應新的環境。在壓力較高的水準,參與者會 萃取 所需的外在訊息。 Driver information system provides drivers with route information to help them make decisions and on the other hand, the effect of information may adjust the traffic flow in the network properly. It is important for developing route guidance system to investigate commuters' behavior and their acceptability in different information conditions because these results can make the guidance more efficient in the network system. Questionnaire and simulation are main methods of gathering data of road user's behavior however a laboratory-like method is used in this paper instead of using the former ones. The switching behavior of participants is formulated by linear logistics model. Through repeated responses of the participants in controllable experiments, their route choice patterns can be classified to understand what kind of drivers the information may effect. The new issue, pressure, is also analyzed to realize the drivers' us ing information when they face the commuting pressure. The experiment of providing participants with route guidance can show some potential problems in running this information system. The results of this study indicate that with the growing of fraction of participants receiveing information , the performance of the network system will get better and people's conservative decision making will become more flexible in order to adapt them a new information environment. The route guidance system doesn't have expected efficiency because of the participants' obedience. People will use information actively to help them deal with problems in higher level of pressure.
Appears in Collections:Thesis