Title: 利用基片型全像元件研製半導體雷射的準直透鏡
Substrate-mode holographic elements for laser diode collimation and beam shaping
Authors: 黃志賢
Huang, Zhi-Xian
蘇德欽, 黃遠東
Der-Chin Su, Yang-Tung Huang
Keywords: 基片型全像元件;準直元件;柱面波;substrate-mode holograms;collimation;beam shaping;cylindrical waves
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract:   本文提出利用基片型全像光學元件來設計雷射二極體的準直元件. 此全像準直元件的模型構想,是將雷射二極體的光源準直及光束橫截面形 狀校正之問題於單一元件上作設計.本文由基本全像成像公式及像差理論 的討論,並採用遞迴式全像記錄法,來評估此一元件之最佳記錄參數.在 實驗上我們以自製之重鉻酸銨明膠為記錄材料,配合短波長記錄長波長重 建技術及柱面波干涉方式來製作全像光柵.實驗結果顯示所設計之全像準 直元件在一公尺量測範圍內有良好的準直性,此外對雷射二極體光源入射 偏離角度約有5度的寬容度. We present a laser diode collimating and beam-shaping optics using substrate-mode holograms. These elements have many merits, such as thenormal input andoutput coupling , low aberrations , beam collimation and shaping in a compactmonolithic substrate . This substrate-mode laser diode collimator is based on the total internal reflection guiding and characteristics of the re-construction of the cylindrical waves .Using the hologram image formulas, thehologram aberration theory and the intermediate hologram recording approach, we can derive the required design parameters . We have also fabricated thiselementand test its feasibility using the self-made dichromate gelatinholographic films . The collimated and shaped outputs of the test laserdiodeare shown in this article.
Appears in Collections:Thesis