Title: 產品開發管理原則之研究-以新竹科學園區電腦及週邊高科技產業為例
Study on the Management of Product Development-A Case Study on Computer and Peripheral High Technology Industry in Hsinchu Science-Based Industrial Park
Authors: 黃永裕
Huang, Yung-Yu
Benjamin Yuan
Keywords: 產品開發;技術創新;介面管理;流程管理;計畫經理;Product Development;Technical Innovation;Interface Management;Process Management;Program Manager
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 本研究係以新竹科學園區電腦及週邊產業的高科技公司為研究對象,根據 學者有關新產品開發管理之相關研究,列舉22項影響高科技公司產品開發 成效之管理要素,運用問卷調查及統計分析方法,探討園區廠商在個別管 理構面上所展現之特性,並檢定廠商對於這些管理要素之「認知重要程度 」與「實際執行現況」上是否呈顯著差異。並透過個案研究及深度訪談的 方法,加以驗證與結合,以探討廠商產品開發流程的管理模式與組織機制 ,提供廠商做為設定改善的目標,及擬定管制作為的參考,最後並提出產 品開發管理之結論與建議。本研究結果發現:整體上,所有受訪公司對於 這22項高科技公司產品開發管理要素的「認知重要程度」強度,均比各公 司在「實際執行現況」之強度來得高,顯示在執行上仍有待改善;採用t- test檢定二者之間是否呈顯著差異,結果發現僅有下列6項無顯著差異, 其餘均呈顯著差異:(一) 依據公司的專長技術來發展產品,(二) 設立產 品計畫經理,負責推動產品開發過程,(三) 開發成員聚集在一地,而非 分散各處,(四) 定期的評估會議(如每週、每月),審核產品開發進度,( 五) 公司高階主管的高度支持與保證,(六) 制訂處理變故(如規格改變、 設計變更)的流程。有關呈顯著差異的管理要素,擇一個案公司進行深入 探討,並嘗試加以解釋。 The research is focus on the computer and peripheral industry in Hsinchu Science-Based Industrial Park. By reviewing academic literature on product development, we identify 22 fundamental management principles of new product development. These factors form the basis for a survey of new product development practitioners. By obtaining responses from product management professionals, the survey explores those factors that hold significant differences between "perceived importance" and "practical implementation" of the management principles of product development. With the help of questionnaires and in- depth interviews that look into these factors, its ultimate aim is to explore the management practice of high technology product development of the computer and peripheral industry in Hsinchu Science-Based Industrial Park. This will assist other companies in setting the goals to improve the development process and control mechanism of product development. The conclusions of this study are: In general, the intensity of the "perceived importance" of each factors are higher than that of "practical execution", revealing that those areas leave room to be improved. We use the t-test to analyze the two intensities and find that only 6 factors don't appear significant differences, they are: (1) Product development according to the competency of company, (2) establish a program manager to coordinate activities during product development cycle, (3) Ensure that development team members working at the same location, (4) Hold regular review meeting to monitor the progress of the project, (5) Senior management support and assurance, (6) Setup modification control process(i.e. specification change, design change...etc.). The other factors which appear to have significant differences, are verified and examined by a real world practice in one case study.
Appears in Collections:Thesis