Title: 行動通訊服務產業市場結構與廠商行為之研究
A Research on the Relationship between Market Structures and Conducts of Mobile Telecommunications Industry
Authors: 施曉娟
Hsiao-chuan Shih
Ying-hsun Wang
Liang-wen Kuo
Keywords: SCP模式;市場結構;行動通訊服務產業;廠商行為;SCP Model;Market Structure;Mobile Telecommunications Industry;Conduct
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract:   產業組識理論認為產業市場結構的變化會影響廠商的行為,影響產業結構的要素包括廠商數目的多寡、商品的差異性、市場飽合程度等,而在同一產業或市場內,廠商間相對規模的大小、加入退出障礙及垂直整合程度也會影響廠商的行為。本研究運用文獻分析法分析台灣行動通訊服務產業1997年市場開放民營至今之市場結構變化與廠商行為的轉變。   台灣行動通訊服務自1997年開放民營以來,市場不再由中華電信一家所獨佔,台灣大哥大、和信電訊、泛亞電信、遠傳電信以及東信電訊加入市場參與競爭,加上通訊技術的進步,行動通訊服務在台灣快速的推展,使用者快速增加,至2001年普及率即超過95%,使用者數達到幾近飽合。而電信產業具有規模經濟與網路外部性等特性,追求用戶數最大化為廠商重要策略之一,運用併購與策略聯盟可以使廠商快速增加用戶數,台灣大哥大在2001年5月正式購併泛亞電信後,使台灣行動通訊服務市場市場集中度更高,2004年台灣大哥大與遠傳先後併購東信與和信後,加上中華電信廠商數變為三家,且其規模相近。   在市場漸漸飽合及市場集中度愈來愈高的情況下,廠商的策略也所轉變,行動通訊服務市場開放之初,領導性寡佔市場結構下,降價策略主要由領導廠商主導;市場進入成熟期與市場結構變為高度寡佔後,廠商訂價方式由降價改為多元化,主要目的在提高單位營收。市場快速成長期時,廠商運用手機補貼策略以增加市場佔有率;市場飽合後,廠商手機補貼策略轉向補貼高階多媒體手機,目的在鼓勵用戶使用加值服務與維持用戶忠誠度。市場佔有率的落後者在廣告行銷上投入的費用佔營收比率較高。市場進入成熟期,廠商運用併購或策略聯盟拉開或拉近與其他廠商的市佔率差距。市場飽合後,市佔率落後者率先發展行動數據服務,企圖切入利基市場。   行動通訊服務廠商的費率訂價行為受市場結構影響較大,市場上的優勢廠商比較有可能主導費率的調整,如中華電信;另外也發現,市場普及率也是影響廠商行為的一大因素,手機補貼方式轉向與開發加值服務皆是因為市場已達飽合,開發新客源較為不易,廠商改變策略以維持用戶忠誠度與用戶貢獻度以提高營收;而電信產業具有沉入成本效應與網路外部性的特性,使廠商藉以運用併購與策略聯盟行為擴大其經營規模以達到資源有效利用。
 According to industrial economics, market structures affect conducts. There are several factors affect market structures, including the numbers of firms, product differentiation, and market concentration radio, etc. The scale of firms, the barrier of entrant, and vertical integration also affect conducts. The thesis takes the documentary approach to analysis the relationship between the change of market structures and the change of conducts in Taiwan mobile telecommunications industry after privatization.  Taiwan mobile telecommunications industry has been opened for privatization in 1997, market structure transforms monopoly into oligopoly. Taiwan mobile penetration has soared in recent years, and has reached a penetration rate of 95% in 2001. Telecommunications industry has characteristics of scale economies and network externalities, making users to maximum is one of the most important strategies. Mergers make the market concentration ratio of Taiwan mobile telecommunications industry higher, and the scale of firms become similar in 2004.  Price reduction strategy is led by a leading firm under lead oligopoly structure. In mature stage and tight oligopoly structure, pricing strategy transforms price reduction into multiple price strategy. In rapidly growth stage, firms take channel allowance strategy increasing market share. In mature stage, channel allowance strategy encourages users using value-added services. Poor market share firms spend more money in advertisement. In mature stage, firms merge others for extending or shortening distance to others. Poor market share firms develop mobile data services for niche market.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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