Title: 台灣線上遊戲產業關係品質研究
The Study of Relationship Quilty In Taiwan Online Game Industry
Authors: 吳唯農
Wei Non Wu
Yuhmiin Chang
Keywords: 關係品質;企業形象;服務品質;線上遊戲;Relationship Quilty;Corporation image;Service Quilty;Online Game
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 線上遊戲是現今一片不景氣中,網路獲利模式最為明確、營運最成功的虛擬商品,也被視為網際網路的殺手級應用。而線上遊戲產業是屬於資訊服務業中的內容服務業,相較於其它資訊產業具有更多的服務業特性。由於服務業具有異質性、無形性、不可儲存性、不可分離性等四大特質,故需要一些特殊的管理工具和觀念來處理其特質,而關係行銷被認為是克服服務無形性的一種最佳策略。而在關係行銷與服務業的行銷研究中,「企業形象」或「服務品質」如何影響關係品質的良窳一直是許多研究者熱衷的議題,也是實務界急欲找尋的答案。 故本研究主要的研究目的就是要探討玩家對於台灣線上遊戲產業的關係品質認知,是否會受到企業形象與服務品質的影響?關係品質的良窳?其中又以那個構面最為重要?經由便利抽樣與網路問卷法,本研究總共回收1526份問卷,扣除未填答完成、重複填答、空白問卷、亂答(答案皆相同)之問卷,總計有效問卷為993份,有效問卷回收率為65%。研究結果發現,(一)企業形象對於關係品質會產生正向而顯著的相關。(二)服務品質對於關係品質會產生正向而顯著的相關。而相較於其他產業,它與關係品質相關程度更勝於企業形象。(三)信任、滿意與承諾共同組成了關係品質,以滿意度對於忠誠度的影響力最高。
Because the successful business model in the great depression of the internet, so online game is considered the killer application. Compare online game with the other information industries, it has much more characteristics of service industry. Due to the heterogeneity、intangibility、perishability、inseparability which are the features of the service industry, the online game needs to be managed with some particular concept. The best strategy to overcome the intangibility is Relationship Marketing. So it is important to find how the influence of「Corporate Image」and「Service Quality」on the quality of the Relationship Quality. The study focus on:Does the game player’s cognition of the Relationship Quality of the online game industry in Taiwan can be affect by Corporate Image and Service Quality? Which is the most important construction of them? After the research procedure of Convenience Sampling and Internet inquiry form, this study has collected 1526 questionnaires. The total figures of effective questionnaires were 993, which is eliminated from ineffective questionnaires. This research found:(1)The Corporate Image is significance correlation with Relationship Quality. (2)The Service Quality is significance correlation with Relationship Quality and compare with other industries, Corporate Image has a great influence than Corporate Image(3)Relationship Quality is composed of Trust, Satisfaction and Commitment, and the satisfaction has the great influence on loyalty.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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