Title: 從文化創意產業特性初探圖文書之產製
A Preliminary Study on the Production of Illustrated Books in Relation to Characteristics of Cultural Creative Industries
Authors: 杜曉苑
Shiau-Yuan Tu
Tain-Dow Lee
Liang-wen Kuo
Keywords: 幾米風潮;出版產業;文化創意產業;圖文書;經紀公司;Jimmy Phenomenon;Publishing Industry;Cultural Creative Industries;Illustrated Books;Agent Corporation
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 2003年興起的「幾米風潮」,使得圖書出版業的作品跨界至電影、電視、音樂、舞台劇、各樣週邊商品與異業結盟,甚至,幾米的跨界能力已由最初的意外鏈結逐漸成為常態的運作。本篇論文由「幾米風潮」作為起點,但是,卻不想只將腳步只停留在幾米身上,而希望能追尋出更深層的社會意義。結果發現,幾米風潮背後其實潛藏著台灣出版產業在今日所面臨的重要變革。不過,由於出版產業至今仍未形成一套自有的理論體系,相關的論述多偏向實務性操作,因此,此篇論文便選擇以更廣泛的文化創意產業特性作為探討的背景與觀點。 首先,幾米的創作所代表的意涵是台灣出版界一新興類型─圖文書的崛起。圖文書雖然至今的發展時間不過八年,但是產製過程與模式卻與傳統的書籍出版具有很大的差異性存在。就產製過程而言,因為具有跨界潛能,圖文書創作漸漸形成一種以創作者為主,出版社與經紀公司為輔的模式,而經紀公司的出現,更是成為台灣書籍出版界中的特殊經營模式;事實上,圖文書創作者跨界的最主要動力便是來自經紀公司的運作。除了標示出版產業外部環境的變革之外,圖文書也改變了出版社內部的產製模式。由於需要有圖有文的創作,再加上書籍整體所呈現的設計感也被認為是創作者的職責,因此圖文書創作者和編輯產生職權上重疊的可能性,造成了藝術資本與行政資本交鋒的特性,而經紀公司的出現更產生了創作者與經紀者在進行商業化運作時所可能產生的疑慮。 總結而言,至今發展八年的圖文書因為創意的突出表現而由出版界中崛起,然而,今日卻面臨作品保守出版的趨勢,而這與產製方式傾向以企劃為主,導致在缺乏新秀、編輯視野不足的情況下,編輯藉由將圖與文分開創作的方式,從中介入概念創意的生產,造成圖文書的內容走向以編輯的品味為主的情況。不過,雖然在書籍出版界中發生創意內容生產的瓶頸,但是圖文書創作卻成功克服經紀端所可能出現的商品化疑慮,在出版以外的跨界領域逐漸奠下發展的基礎。
The「Jimmy Phenomenon」rising in 2003 has developed from an accident event to normal operation. This research chooses 「Jimmy Phenomenon」 as a starting point, and in hopes of exploring deeper meaning in society. However, publishing industry has not owned itself theory system and its relative discussions have been more focus on practical operation. Therefore, cultural creative industry is adopted in this research as the framework to explain the transformation in publishing industry resulted from 「Jimmy Phenomenon」. Some conclusions in this research are found. First of all, the works created by Jimmy represent a new type-Illustrated Books appearance in publishing industry. Despite only eight developing years, Illustrated Books has formed its particular production procedure much different from traditional books publishing. Besides Creators has controlled more and more authority for their works, agent corporations have even becoming the rare and vital organization, especially in management of cultural creative industries. Except the external transformation of publishing industry, the internal production procedure also changed. Illustrated Books need the creation of word as well as illustration, and the whole design presentation is viewed as creators’ duty. This lead the overlap of authority exists between creators and editors. Inevitably, conflicts in the creative production arise. To sum up, outstanding performance had been the major reason of the rising of Illustrated Books. Nevertheless, Illustrated Books has confronted conservative trends. This crisis mainly comes from the interference by editors in creation conception production. In spite of this, leading by agent corporation, Illustrated Books gradually establish good foundation through cooperating with other cultural creative industries outside publishing industry.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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