Title: 濺鍍及快速熱擴散技術製備砷化鎵光偵測器
Fabrication of GaAs Photodetectors by Sputtering and Rapid Thermal Diffusion
Authors: 郭慈蕙
Gau, Tze-Hung
Su-Lin Yang
Keywords: 濺鍍;熱擴散;光偵測器;Sputtering;Rapid Thermal Diffusion;Photodetector
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 由於化合物半導體具有較高的電子遷移率及可調變的直 接 能隙,所以目前的光偵測器幾乎都以化合物半導體為 主。 在製程上,因現今的光偵測器成本既高、控因又多 ,故本 論文將以濺鍍及快速熱擴散的新製程來製備光偵 測器:先 濺鍍SiO2薄膜於GaAs基材上,然後以蝕刻顯影 的方式讓此 層薄膜形成定義好的圖樣,再濺鍍Zn-SiO2/ SiO2或 ZnO-SiO2/SiO2 多層薄膜於已定義好圖案的基材 。利用快 速加熱系統將Zn原子趨入GaAs基片,以獲得陡 峭的 P型雜 質分佈,形成pn二極體,然後量測其光電特 性,藉此驗證 用這種技術來製作光偵測器的可行性。結 果發現:依各晶 片濃度、Zn/SiO2或 ZnO/SiO2的成份比 及在不同快速熱擴 散條件下所製備出的GaAs光偵測器之 特性為:崩潰電壓 3.6~6.1V、理想因子1.55~1.81及暗 電流密度 1.8×10-9~2.6×10-7A/cm2,所以當薄膜組成 適當,昇溫 速率、上升溫度、昇溫時間控制得宜,則此 方式將可製作 低成本、低暗電流的光偵測器。 In this thesis , we fabricate GaAs photodetectors by using sputtering and rapid thermal diffusion technologies . Zn-SiO2 and ZnO- SiO2 diffusion-source films are co-sputtered onto n-GaAs substrates . Rapid thermal diffusion were exacted to drive-in the Zn impurities to pre- defined areas of substrates . Photolithography and chemical etching for contact opening and lift-off method for metal ohmic contacts were performed consequently to make photodetector devices. Current-voltage relations of photodetectors under illumination were characterized . Under various experimental conditions of substrate concentrations , Zn-SiO2 or ZnO-SiO2 compositions , and rapid thermal processes , the performance of such fabricated GaAs photodetectors are summarized with breakdown voltage : 3.6 ~ 6.1 V , ideality factor : 1.55 ~ 1.81 , and dark current density : 1.8×10-9 ~ 2.6×10-7 A/cm2 .
Appears in Collections:Thesis