標題: DIY族群對榔頭期望意象與造形元素之對應關係
A Study of the corresponding Relationship between Anticipant Images and Forms of Hammers—For DIY Users
作者: 林芳如
Ming-Chuen Chuang
關鍵字: 感性工學;期望意象;迴歸分析;設計建議表;Kansei engineering;anticipant images;regression analysis;design suggestion
公開日期: 2003
摘要: DIY族群對榔頭期望意象與造形元素之對應關係
摘 要

A Study of the corresponding Relationship between Anticipant Images and Forms -For DIY Users

Taking Kansei Engineering as the foundation, this study investigates DIY users’ anticipant images of manual tools, hammers, and the relations between forms and particular images. First, interviews of the users and experts are taken to find the top fives of DIY users’ anticipant images of hammers, which are “hard and durable”, “pragmatic”, “safe”, “effort-saving”, and “professional”. Then, hammers provided by the cooperative factory are used as the stimulus of SD questionnaires by only sense of sight and by both sense of sight and touch. With the users’ subjective estimates to each hammer, Factor Analysis is taken to find the relations between anticipant images and psychological feelings. And then Regression Analysis is taken to generate the liner regression formulas of forms and top-five anticipant images. With the formulas, the design suggestions to fit the top-five anticipant images are generated for designers’ references and applications.
The second stage of this study is to prove the design suggestions generated in the last stage. Top fives of the most un-anticipant hammers are redesigned according to the design suggestions. The original pictures of the hammers are modified for another investigation. The result tells that the average scores of the five redesigned hammers are higher than the original ones’.
keyword: Kansei engineering ,anticipant images , regression analysis , design suggestion


  1. 251001.pdf
  2. 251002.pdf
  3. 251003.pdf
  4. 251004.pdf

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