Title: 使用於下一代無線電光纖整合系統之類比至數位轉換技術
Analog-to-Digital-Conversion Technologies for Next-Generation Wireless Access in Optical Fibers
Authors: 顏光裕
Yen, K. Y.
Winston I. Way
Keywords: 無線電;光纖;Wireless;Optical Fibers;ADC;DAC
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 本論文先制訂出數位畫遠端天線系統的結構和規格, 再討論類比 轉數位相關技術-中頻取樣, 類比/數位轉換器和數位/類比轉換器, 接著 研討數位訊號從遠端天線傳至基地站所能容忍的位元錯誤率, 並且建立遠 端天線模型與模擬阻斷機率來預估系統所需的動態範圍, 最後為數位化遠 端天線的製作和量測結果. In this thesis, we first specify the architecture of the digitalremote antenna system, and discuss the related analog-to- digital technology,including IF sampling, Analog-to-Digital- Converter and Digital-to-Analog-Converter. Furthemore, we investigate the BER (Bit Error Rate) in digitaltransmission from digital remote antenna port to basestation and constructthe propagation model to estimate the required dynamic range of the remoteantenna system with specified blocking probability. We have actually implemented the digital remote antenna system for CT-2 signals with satisfactory the system's performance.
Appears in Collections:Thesis