Title: 組織中電腦中介傳播系統使用之研究:以電子郵件為例
The Use of Computer-Mediated Communication Systems in Organizations: A Study of Electronic Mail
Authors: 柳林緯
Leou, Lin-Woei
Ku, Lin-Lin
Keywords: 電腦中介傳播系統;電子郵件;Computer-mediated communication systems (CMCS);Electronic mail
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 本研究的最主要目的就是要探討組織中電腦中介傳播系統(computer-mediated communication system: CMCS)的使用。一般說來,影響組織中個人媒介使用的因素包括來自上司和同事的社會性影響、個人對媒介與工作的評價、本身的媒介技能、組織角色上的差異、以及情境因素(如普及率)等。 在研究的進行上,本研究以新竹科學園區的半導體製造商旺宏電子公司為對象。在民國84年7月間,以系統抽樣的方式抽出514個使用者,進行問卷調查。全部回收的問卷中,共有141個有效樣本,回收率達27%,資料分析則採用因素分析法,皮爾森積差相關分析、以及多重逐步迴歸分析。 從平均的結果看來,使用者每週的寄送量有2.23封,而每週的收信量則為1.375封。至於在使用目的方面,一般人大都以資訊查詢的BBS使用為主,而最少的則是與工作無關的非工作性使用。 本研究的結果發現:社會性影響、媒介特徵、以及臨界大眾是最具影響力的因素。來自同事的社會性影響,大過於來自上司的影響。而個人對於媒介特徵的認知中,媒介的豐富度和實用性會分別對使用目的產生不同的影響。至於臨界大眾,則會對個人E-mail的工作性使用以及寄送量產生影響。此外,其它因素也會對個人的媒介使用產生各種不同程度的影響。 總而言之,個人的媒介選用確實會受到許多因素影響,特別是客觀理性的抉擇過程以及來自同僚的社會性影響。本研究雖屬國內對電腦中介傳播系統使用的初探性研究,但仍希企能藉此引發更多的研究。
The main purpose of this thesis is to examines organizational use of computer-mediated communication systems(CMCS). Factors influencing CMC use include social influence from coworker and supervisors, perceived media features and task requirements, media skills, organizational roles, and situational constraints. A survey was conducted in the headquarters ofMXIC, a semiconductor manufacturer at Science-Based Industrial Park in Hsinchu, Taiwan. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to 514 E-mail users, systematic selected from all of the users, in July, 1995. Total of 141 completed questionnaires were returned, corresponding to a response rate of 27%. Data were analyzed by using factor analysis, Pearson correlation, and stepwise multiple regression. On the average, users sent 2.23 ad received 13.75 E-mail messages per week,. Electronic mail was used most often for reading bulletin board type of information. People seldom used electronic mail for non-task related purposes. This thesis found social influence, perceived media features, and critical mass were major determinants of E-mail use. Coworker's influence was stronger than supervisors'. Perceived media richness and utility showed various effects on different purpose of use. Critica mass was a determinant of amount of use and task-related use. Usage was also influenced by a number of other factors. In sum, media choice is determined by a combination of retional decision-making and social information from colleagues.
Appears in Collections:Thesis