Title: 劉招秀鋼琴演奏會(含輔助文件:拉威爾鋼琴曲《水妖》之分析及演奏詮釋探討─詩的意象與聲音的意象之間相互轉化的關係)
Chao-Hsiu Liu Piano Recital
Authors: 劉招秀
Liu, Chao-Hsiu
Hsin, Hsing-Chwen

Keywords: 鋼琴;演奏
Issue Date: 1995
Abstract: 演奏會 一、史卡拉第 G大調奏鳴曲,作品K.104,快板 D大調奏嗚曲,作品K.492,急板 二、舒伯特 A大調奏鳴曲,遺作120號,D664 I.中庸的快板 II.行板 III.稍快板 三、布拉姆斯 海頓主題變奏曲 作品56b(雙鋼琴╱客席 劉乃榮) 四、蕭邦 三首馬厝卡舞曲 作品63 五、拉威爾 加斯巴之夜 I.水妖 II.絞首台 III.史卡波 以上曲目已在八十五年六月三十日於國立交通大學演藝廳演出,而這場演奏會的實況錄音收錄在所提出的錄音帶上。 輔助文件:拉威爾鋼琴曲〈水妖〉之分析及演奏詮釋探討—詩的意象與聲音的意象之間相互轉化的關係 此輔助文件以上述曲目中,拉威爾三首鋼琴詩“加斯巴之夜”的〈水妖〉為對象,做深入探討。其中,理論性的觀察分析,及其與實際演奏的相關性,共同組成此輔助文件之重點研究方向:理論部份著重九和絃、十一和絃、十三和絃等高數目和絃的連接,及〈水妖〉句法結構特性的分析;實際演奏詮釋則專注於詩的意象與聲音的意象相互轉化的關係。
I. Recital 1.D. Scarlatti Sonata K. 104,492 2.F. Schubert Sonata in A Major Op. posth. 120 D664 i Allegro moderato ii Andante iii Allegretto 3.J. Brahms Variationen uber ein Thema von Joseph Haydn Op. 56b 4.F. Chopin 3 Mazurkas, Op.63 5.M. Ravel Gaspard de la Nuit i Ondine ii Le Gibet iii Scarbo The program above was performed in the Recital Hall of The National Chiao Tung University on June 30, 1996. The live recording of this performance can be heard on the submitted tape. II. Supporting paper: Analysis and Interpretation on one of Ravel's 3 Piano Poems 《Ondine》--- Imaginative Relationship between Poem and Sonority From the above program 《Ondine》, the first of Ravel's 3 Piano Poems forming the set "Gaspard de la Nuit", to write a supporting paper. The first part of this paper is an analytical study, the result of which directly effects some interpretation issues discussed in the 2nd half of the paper. The analysis focuses on the succession of the 9th or 11th or 13th chord, and the melodic phrasing structure of 《Ondine》. The following part on interpretation emphasizes how the details of the imagination translate from the poem to the sonority.
Appears in Collections:Thesis