Title: | LCD 顯示子系統專利技術發展趨勢之研究 The study one the development of patent technology in LCD display subsystems |
Authors: | 黃承焜 Huang, Cheng-Kun 李慶恩 Ching-En Lee 工業工程與管理學系 |
Keywords: | LCD 顯示子系統;專利地圖;專利技術圖;專利管理圖;技術發展現況分析;技術趨勢分析;LCD display subsystems;Patent map;Patent technology map;Patent management;Technology development analysis;Technology trend analysis |
Issue Date: | 1996 |
Abstract: | 隨著多媒體時代的來臨,使得傳統電腦逐漸朝著多媒體電腦的方向發 展.而從多媒體電腦的發展趨勢來看,電腦視訊圖形處理技術正朝著標準 化,高速化的方向邁進.另一方面,由於作為人機介面之LCD顯示器的市場行 情逐漸看好,若能以較低的成本成功地將即時視訊圖形處理技術與LCD顯示 子系統相結合,勢必可開創出另一個嶄新的電腦多媒體市場空間. 在開發此新技術時,為了避免重複設計及觸犯他人專利權限的情況發生,並 縮短研發時程,提高研發效率,利用專利資料所隱藏的技術資訊及發展趨 勢,以作為擬定研發計畫及配置資源時的重要參考依據是為可用的利器.因 此本研究根據研究人員所提供的專業知識,配合相關的美國專利資料,加以 程序化,具體化,製作所需的專利技術圖及專利管理圖,先進行技術發展現 況分析,技術趨勢分析,以瞭解各國,各公司的技術發展動態及重點,再發掘 出技術發展的趨勢及要點,最後根據各式專利地圖所呈現的重要資訊及研 究人員所判斷的重要專利案進行權利範圍組織關係分析,以對著重的專利 技術做更深入的洞悉與比較,而達到上述的目標. Patent analysis is an important tool for the development of new technology in enterprises and research-associated organizations. The purpose of this research is to help the R& Ds to find out the trend of new technology and then to develop the valuable technology in LCD display subsystems by using the information of the Patent Map. At first, the knowledge of the R&Ds and USA patents are employed to construct the Patent Technology Map and Patent Management Map. The technology development analysis is then applied to get the developmentstatus of technology in various countries and firms. The technology trend analysis reveals the evolution of the new technology. Finally, with the information of various Patent Maps and the judgment of R&Ds, the claim analysis of major patents is accomplished to obtain further knowledge of the target technology. The interface driving technology and the handling technology of display effect in LCD display subsystems are identified subjects to explore. It is found that USA and Japan lead in the interface driving technology and VLSI Tec. has developed the most superior data-conversion technology in this field. The development of interface driving technology is currently in its introduction period of the technology life cycle. This research also demonstrates that firms in Taiwan are capable of investing in the related dvelopment of technology for LCD display subsystems. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/61479 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |