Title: 公路危險物品運送路段評估模式之研究
The Study of Evaluation Model for Hazardous Materials Transportion by Road Segment
Authors: 賴士揚
Lai, Shih-Yang
Wu Shoei-Uei
Keywords: 公路路段;危險物品;隸屬函數;門檻值;綜合績效指標;road segment;hazardous material;membership function;threthold;synthesis effect index
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 公路危險物品運送路段評估模式之研究 指導教授:吳水威 學生:賴士揚 國立交通大學交通運輸研究所 摘 要 近年來由於我國工商業高度發展,經濟成長快速,人民生 活水準提高,危險物品不論在需求量與生產量均大量增加,因而社會上充斥 著各類危險物品,此類危險物品多半具有易燃性、毒性、腐蝕性、爆炸性 或放射性。國內之危險物品主要以陸運運送為主,而因臺灣地區之公路路 網能提供較佳的及戶服務,所以臺灣地區一般危險物品多以公路運送。有 鑑於運送危險物品係為生產至使用過程中之必要一環,且運送過程涉及公 共安全、環境保護及運輸需求,然而各類型物品之物理化學特性不一,而且 公路系統的幾何特性與環境殊異,為增進運送安全、提高事故之應變能力 及降低事故之損害程度,同時兼顧產業運輸需求及降低運輸風險原則下,應 建立有效的的評估模式,並在合乎情、理、法的原則下,衡量沿線居民的感 受與利弊,評估公路之路段能否運送危險物品,進而規劃適當的運送路線, 提供政府審核公路危險物品運送通行證申請案件時之依據,同時提供給相 關業者與運輸公司從事公路危險物品運送時之參考。本研究利用模糊理論 、AHP法等為理論基礎以建立評估模式,衡量公路之路段可否運送危險物 品,而在構建評估模式時,分別利用隸屬函數的方法,於準則之中提出門檻 值的觀念,以建立運送路段可行性等級。而且,亦算出路段可行性之綜合績 效指標,作為篩選運送路段之用。最後,並應用於例證以驗證本模式之適用 性。研究結果顯示,所求出模式中的每一評估準則對應於路段可行性等級 之門檻值後,得以解決公路危險物品運送可行路段判定的問題。再者,確立 路段可行性之綜合績效指標,能夠與前一個方法相互對照,相輔相成。 The Study of Evaluation Model for Hazardous Materials Transportation by Road Segment Student:Shih-Yang Lai Advisor:Dr. Shoei-Uei Wu Institute of Traffic and Transportation National Chiao Tung University Abstract This study developed a evaluation model to judge the road segments which ones are suitable for hazardous materials trasnportation between two nodes. It suggested two kinds of methods to formulate the evaluation model. According to the study framework, one is the threshold comprative method, another one is synthesis effect index method. It included two phases of questionnaires,the first phase is to select the evaluation factors from influence hazardous materials transporting factors list. The second phase consisted two ones, first of them, in order to set up the threshold of every evaluation factor to compare with real road segment's parameters. The purpose of second one is to calculate the synthesis effect index of suitable and real road segments. The developed study is available for transporting some kinds of hazardous materials. The study adpoted not only fuzzy theory but also AHP to formulate the evaluation model. The most important is that the result of this evaluation model is a general solution different fromother one's optimal solution. Finally,a example is demostrated to show how to use this developed method to evaluate and determine the suitable hazardous materials transportation road segments.
Appears in Collections:Thesis