Title: | 互動電視服務的發展趨勢與機會 The Development Trends and Opportunities of Interactive Television |
Authors: | 陳隆昇 Chen, Long-Sheng 虞孝成 Hsiao-Cheng Yu 科技管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 互動電視;互動式服務;發展趨勢;Interactive Television;Interactive Service;Development Trend |
Issue Date: | 1996 |
Abstract: | 自從1993年美國提出NII主張,世界各國都積極於寬頻網路的研發與 規畫,並期望透過寬頻網路提供新服務。隨著消費者使用媒體的自主性提 高,對訊息的接收已經由過去單向、被動的方式,轉變成主動要求自己需 要的資訊。再加上近年來以視訊為主導的各個媒體之傳輸及影像處理技術 的進步,促使傳播媒體朝向雙向互動視訊的傳遞方式發展。而互動電視服 務(Interactive Television; ITV)便在這樣的趨勢下逐漸發展。 本研究目的在探討互動電視的發展現況。目前許多國家都在進行互動電視 的技術與市場試驗,以探討提供商業服務所需克服的各種問題,及消費者 需要的ITV服務種類。雖然已有一些初步成果,但短時間要達到廣泛商業 應用仍有許多瓶頸需要克服。近來網際網路的快速發展,吸引許多廠商將 研發重心移轉到ISDN、直播衛星、數位頻道、影像通訊及有線電視經營電 信業務等領域上,使得投入互動電視的研發廠商相對減少。因此,互動電 視發展的觀念亦有所改變,已由當初全服務網路的高標準轉換成比較實際 的目標,即是利用現有的網路系統,做少許的投資,以漸進的方式提新服 務,而不是驟然將整個網路全面升級。 本研究針對國內互動電視相 關業者及研究單位進行問卷訪查,以瞭解業界對於互動電視前景的看法。 本研究所得到的結論與建議包括: 1. 數位式解碼器和有線電視數據機在 台灣有不錯的發展潛力。2. 在國內發展ITV可能遭遇的問題中,以「寬頻 通訊基礎建設遲緩」、「缺乏政府政策 鼓勵」、「不合時宜法規的限 制」等最為嚴重。 3. 我國應加強寬頻網路基礎建設,並開放跨媒體經營 、修改有線電視法及電信法、獎 勵業者從事互動電視相關研究及開發 關鍵性零組件。 4. 互動電視服務初期可鎖定在大型旅館、飯店、商業用 戶或教育機構。5. 在完成技術試驗後,持續提供市場試驗,以瞭解國內 消費者對互動電視的需求與服 務種類。 Since the concept of Information Superhighway was brought up by U.S. in 1993, countries around the world started to construct broadband networks and to plan new services that broadband networks can offer. The technological progress of networking and image processing advanced the development of two-way, interactive communication media. Interactive television (ITV) service is thus paid much attention under the trend of digitization and network convergence. To understand what bottlenecks must be overcomed to offer commercial ITV services, several countries are making technical and market trials of ITV. This research explored the ideas, system architectures and the development trends of ITV services. It also surveyed local companies and research organizations to collect their opinions about the potentials of ITV in Taiwan and the policies the government should make to support the development of ITV services. Major results of this research include: 1. There are still some hurdles to overcome before commercial ITV services will become possible. 2. The ideas of developing ITV services has changed from a Full Service Network (FSN) to a more practical objective. That is, to make network investments and to provide new interactive services step by step, instead of overhauling the infrastructure. 3. Cable modem has high potential in offering interactive video and data services in the coming years. 4. There are business opportunities in set-top boxes and cable modems in Taiwan. 5. Deploying broadband communications infrastructure, increasing R& D on the development of key components, amending CATV and Telecommunication Acts are essential to make ITV a success in Taiwan. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/61625 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |