Title: 從管理顧問產業特質探討台灣管理顧問業之關鍵成功因素
A Study on Key Success Factors of Management Consulting Services in Taiwan from the Industrial Characteristics of Management Consulting Services
Authors: 鄭婷方
Cheng, Ting-Fang
Benjamin J. C. Yuan
Keywords: 關鍵成功因素;因素分析法;管理顧問業;Key Success Factor;Factor Analysis;Management Consulting Services
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 管理顧問業是在服務業中關聯效果最大的產業,對經濟體系生產力的 提昇有不可抹滅的貢獻,然針對管理顧問業的研究為數並不多。本研究希 冀藉由文獻探討管理顧問業的產業特質,並藉以實證我國管理顧問業的關 鍵成功因素。藉以實證我國管理顧問業的關鍵成功因素。 實證研究以 中華民國企業經營管理顧問協會所登記之團體會員,以及中華徵信社所出 版之企業名錄中工商服務符合「經營業務範圍涵蓋策略規劃、制度設計指 導、經營診斷、教育訓練、資訊科技電腦化、市調研究、出版品等相關功 能性業務,登記為管理顧問公司,或其他專業性服務機構之管理顧問部門 」定義者,共142家廠商,研究結果主要如下:(1) 本研究經過因素分析 ,萃取出台灣管理顧問業之關鍵成功因素,分別為智庫及知識移轉、產品 ╱服務方面、商譽及組織文化、企業資產和政府政策、公共關係、人力資 源、專案管理、專業諮詢能力、客戶關係、融入客戶、人際能力、客戶特 性。(2) 目前最重要的五項關鍵成功因素為人際能力、商譽及組織文化、 客戶關係、專業諮詢能力、產品╱服務方面。未來則更應優先考量商譽和 組織文化、次為產品╱服務方面、人際能力、客戶關係這三項因素。(3) 公司資歷、員工人數、專職顧問師人數、經營業務範疇、服務對象的不同 ,會影響對關鍵成功因素的認知。(4) 目前管理顧問業所遭遇的問題中, 顧問水準參差不齊是最大的困難,次為顧問人才的缺乏,再次為國內企業 經營者觀念保守。 Management Consulting has a great influence on other industries. It also makes a big contribution to our economics. Although it*s important, there have not been many researches on this industry. This study attempted to sort out the industrial characteristics of management consulting services with the literature survey, and was concentrated on the key success factors of management consulting in Taiwan.Thesis study aims to research the firms listed in the members* roll of Business Management Consultants Association and in the Taiwan Business Directory published by China Credit Information Service, LTD. There are total 142 firms. The main research results are as follows:(1) This study uses factor analysis to analyze the key success factors of Taiwan management consulting services industry. These factors are knowledge base and knowledge exchange, product or services, reputation and organizational culture, assets and policy, public relationship, human resource, project management, professional consulting skills, client*s relationship, in harmony with clients, interpersonal skills, and client*s characteristics.(2) The most important factors are interpersonal skills, reputation and organizational culture, client*s relationship, professional consulting skills, and product or services.(3) The backgrounds of management consulting industry have influences on key success factors.(4) The biggest problem now is that the service quality provided by consultants are not uniform.
Appears in Collections:Thesis