Title: 全球四大化學公司的競爭策略及財務成效比較
Comparison of Competitive Strategies and Performance of the Four Global Chemical Companies
Authors: 林元章
Yuan-Chang Lin
Dr. Po-Young Chu
Keywords: 化學工業;競爭策略;全球化;合併及收購;垂直整合;Chemical Industry;Competitive Strategy;Globalization;Merger & Acquisition;Vertical Integration
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 化學工業產品例如油漆,塑膠,建材,輪胎,和纖維等的應用使得我們有更現代化的社會及更優裕的生活水準。多數的化學工業界佼佼者,座落於已開發國家中,只有很少數的化學工業公司座落於開發國家中。


本文討論全球四大化學工業公司,含歐洲的BASF,美國的DuPont及Dow Chemical,亞太地區的台塑集團,他們的財務成效,以及各公司所採用的競爭策略如何影響他們的業務成效。在此四家公司中,所生產的產品若是屬於大眾化產品的公司,其獲利率較生產特殊用途產品的公司低。因此,配對( Pair-Wised )分析法被用來解析特殊產品公司及大眾化產品公司的競爭策略及其發展趨勢。我們也使用相互影響的策略競爭( Competing Under Strategic Interdependence )方法來說明當一家公司計畫在市場上執行某種商業活動時,其相對應競爭公司的反應程度的大小。

Chemical products such as paint, plastics, constructions, tires, fibers etc. have modernized our society and improved our living standard. Most of the giants in this chemical industry are located in the developed regions, while a few of them are situated in the developing regions.

The growth of this industry depends very much on the economic climate, and the prices of the products are largely driven by capacity utilization and feedstock costs. This industry has been growing at a very slow pace in the past few years, and the competition is getting rigorous. All the chemical companies are therefore trying to be more competitive through restructuring organization, optimizing assets, increasing productivity, and being globalization.

This paper discusses the financial performances of the four chemical companies, BASF in Europe, DuPont and Dow Chemical in the United States, and Formosa Plastics Group in Asia, and how their competitive strategies affect their financial performances.

It is also found that companies driving toward specialties have a higher margin than those of commodities. Pair-Wised analyses are conducted both for specialties and commodities. The methodology of competing under strategic interdependence is also applied to understand the possible move or reaction of one company if another company plans their competitive campaigns in the marketplace.

Formosa plastics Group, one of the leading chemical companies in Taiwan and Asia has achieved strong growth in the past few years when its vertical integration of oil refinery and naphtha cracking were completed in 1999. Formosa Plastics Group has also diversified in other business fields, including electronic materials, biotechnology, and medical business. Their growth pace and new developments are somewhat different form other global chemical companies. A suggestion is proposed to Formosa Plastics Group for its future operation to be constantly profitable and sustainable.
Appears in Collections:Thesis