Title: 手勢操控之電腦簡報系統中之手勢辨認與方向計算
Hand Gesture Commands for a PC Presentation:Hand Gesture Recognition andPointing Computation
Authors: 陳俊有
Chen, Jiunn-Yeuo
陳 稔
Zen Chen
Keywords: 簡報軟體;電視攝影機;影像擷取卡;PC Presentation;TV camera;frame grabber
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 就目前的簡報軟體而言,講演者在使用簡報軟體時,為了要使螢幕畫面上 、下、左、右移動,必需低頭或彎腰來操控滑鼠或鍵盤等輔佐的工具,造 成解說的時間延遲及低頭操作造成勞累的不方便。本論文的宗旨在於改進 這個缺點。我們使用人體自然的手勢來取代電腦簡報系統中滑鼠的功能。 我們有上、下、左、右、放大、縮小、握拳及食指定位等八種手勢。藉由 兩台已定位的電視攝影機,將手勢的影像經由影像擷取卡擷取出來,再將 擷取出來的影像作影像處理。最後將影像判斷出來的結果,傳送至電腦簡 報軟體。 In a PC presentation system, speakers must bow to control the mouse or keyboard key to move the screen upward, downward, leftward, rightward.This causes the time delay or interrupt of presentation. In this thesis, we want to remove this drawback. We use human gestures to replace the mouse function in the PC presentation system.We have eight hand gestures including up, down, left, right, zoom in, zoom out, hold and point. With two calibrated TV cameras, we capture the hand images by frame grabber and do image processing.At last, we send the hand gesture recognition result to the PC presentation system via a RS232 network.
Appears in Collections:Thesis