標題: EMBA課程對企業領導人影響之研究
A Study of Influence of EMBA Program to Business Leaders
作者: 林金珠
Po-Lung Yu
關鍵字: 習慣領域;中年人的焦慮;EMBA;Habitual Domain;mid-life crisis;EMBA
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 每一個人都有夢想,期望夢想成真會形成壓力;有一些人會因壓力而前進,有些人面對壓力時會退縮.。“警覺是智慧的開端”,當一個人聽到自己內心的聲音,選擇進入EMBA就讀,堅決的朝著夢想前進,結束EMBA的課程後,他或




Everyone has dreams; however, pressure emerges when people expect dreams to come true. Some make progress when facing pressure, while others fall back. “Awareness is the door to wisdom.” When one hears a voice from inner self and enters an EMBA program with a firm belief that his/her doing is moving towards his or her dream. Once he/she completes the EMBA courses, What does he or she really get?

Humans are gifted to learn. Their brains consist of almost unlimited potential. For those who had chosen to leave their stable career lives behind, break through their familiar field, and go back to school again, the benefits that EMBA program really offer them are worth studying.

From writer’s analysis, EMBA program opens the door to wisdom for the participants who face mid-life crisis and anxiety. The participants of the program consist of good students, good teachers, and good speakers. These facts were not mentioned in any recruiting brochure, even they could represent the accomplishments of EMBA program mostly. The world has just entered into the 21st century. The Internet has taken off as never before with assorted impacts on our lives, including changes in operational atmosphere for business. Much transformations of business management are beyond their experience and understanding. Over last two years, a large quantity and variety of information caught people’s attention. As the quantity grew larger, the quality of information changed. With the help from EMBA program, each participant internalized their learning.

EMBA program can be viewed as a cocktail program. The friendship among participants is like alcohol that catalyzes the digestion of the materials that the instructors have discussed. And because of the companionship, there are less conflicts of personal interests over the discussion. To avoid being subjective, each classmate usually can makes effort to express as freely and objectively as possible regarding her view points on current events and thoughts on managerial issues.

EMBA is a forge where people fuse dreams and reality. Participants restructure their future according to their individuality and ability to refine, and usher their satisfying lives.


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