Title: 二矽化鈷淺接面的研究
CoSi2 Shallow Junction Fabrication
Authors: 陳健輝
Chen, Chien-Hui
蔡中, 荊鳳德
C. Tsai, Alber Chin
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 本論文主要是研究二矽化鈷的特性和淺接面二極體,在此,我們利用鈦/鈷( Ti/Co)和鈷/錳(Co/Mo)的多層結構,來形成單晶或者是多晶的二矽化鈷,單 晶的二矽化鈷用快速退火的方式在800℃,多晶的二矽化鈷利用傳統爐管退 火的方式在550℃.單晶的二矽化鈷跟矽的接面較平整且熱穩定性也較好. 但是,利用單晶的二矽化鈷作出的二極體漏電流較多晶的二極體大.金屬的 鍍膜是用雙槍電子蒸鍍機.我們利用離子佈植二氟化硼和砷穿過二氧化矽, 金屬或二矽化鈷等方式作出淺接面.再利用快速退火的方式或傳統爐管的 退火方式來達到活化雜質和抑制雜質繼續往下擴散,離子佈植的量為5e14 或 5e15/cm2,在不同的離子佈植能量下,850℃退火可得到最好的漏電流, 但當溫度高到900℃時,接面開始惡化. Cobalt disilicide is growth epitaxially on Si(100) from a multi- layer structure by rapid thermal annealing (RTA) at 800℃. PolycrystallineCoSi2 is growth on Si(100) using multi-layer Mo/ Co/Si structure by RTAor conventional furnace annealing (CFA) at 550℃. The epi-CoSi2 hasgood thermal stability and more smooth interface. But the epi-CoSi2diodes has high leakage current which compare with poly-CoSi2. Themetal deposited on Si substrates by dual-electron beam evaporation.We investigate the shallow CoSi2 contacted junctions formed by BF2 andAs implantation, respectively, into/through oxide (I/I), metal (ITM) or silicide (ITS) followed by low temperature CFA and RTA. For p+n(n+p) junctions fabricated by 40 KeV or 60 KeV BF2 (As) implantationto a dose of 5e14/cm2 or 5e15/cm2. optimum junctions were achieved by the 850℃ annealing in all the present implant conditions. Annealingat 900℃ degraded the junction.
Appears in Collections:Thesis