标题: 矽在氢氧化钾溶液的电化学蚀刻和保护层的研究
The study of electrochemical etching of Si and passivation layer in aqueous KOH
作者: 沈怡廷
Shen, Ying-Ting
Jen-Chung Lou
关键字: 电化学蚀刻;保护层;氮化矽;Electrochemical etching;passivation layer;silicon nitride
公开日期: 1996
摘要: 使用电浆助长型化学气相沉积(PECVD),在矽晶片上成长一层 500nm 的氮
,氮化矽存在三个主要 (Si-N)s , (Si-N)w , (N-H)s的键结, 欧杰电子
光谱仪量测得知, 氮与矽的比值为 2 是氮丰富的氮化矽 。 由实验结果
, 回火在600℃的氮化矽其阻挡氢氧化钾的效果不错。 在氮丰富的氮
化矽中存在很多未饱合键 (K-center) , 当回火在800℃以下时 , (Si-
N)s 的键结浓度增加 , 而且氮化矽的厚度亦减少,所以氮化矽的结构变
密集,这就是氮化矽经过回火后其阻挡氢氧化钾效果变好的原因 。但回
再来, 不同的氢氧化钾浓度和温度下 , 量测矽晶片蚀刻速率和表面的
平坦度,当温度升高时, 蚀刻速率亦上升, 由假的光罩模型中得知,其
表面的平坦度亦变差。最后,使用三极电化学蚀刻停止的方法, 精确得
A 500nm silicon nitride film are grown by PECVD on n-type
silicon wafer. We have studied the anneal behavior of PECVD
nitride film in the KOH solution. Thecomposition of annealing of
PECVD nitride film is determined by Fourier transform infrared
spectroscopy (FTIR) and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES). FTIR
spectra reveal the presence of (Si-N)s, (Si-N)w and (N-H)s
bonds. AES indicating a ratio of N/Si is about 2 and it is the
N-rich nitride film. The nitride film is also good passivation
in the KOH solution after annealing at 600℃. A dangling bond
termed K-center is dominant charge trapping center in N-rich
nitride film. The height of stretching N-H mode decreases after
annealing. Due to the K-center, the height of stretching Si-N
mode increases after annealing below 800℃ .We also find that
thickness of the nitride film decreases after annealing. So the
structure of the nitride film becomes dense. This is the main
reason that annealing of PECVD nitride film is good passivation
in KOH solution. But annealing at 1000℃, due to the stress, the
nitride film is left off in KOH solution. Then, we determine the
etch rate and roughness for various KOH concentration and
temperature. It is clear that the etch rate increases when
raising the temperature at the same concentration. From
pseudomasking model, the roughness increases when rasing the
etch rate. Finally we precise obtain a membrane by using etch-
stop system.