Title: 以三氧化鎢薄膜製作二氧化碳光學感測器之改進
The improvement of optical CO2-sensing device based on tungsten trioxide thin film
Authors: 林士程
Lin, Shih-Cheng
Shichi Chao
Keywords: 三氧化鎢;穿透率;二氧化碳;WO3;transmittance;co2
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 為了改進先前學長所發展的電極型二氧化碳感測元件,在此希 望能藉由(1)改變薄膜品質的方法來增進元件感測二氧化碳的效能。因 此,我們利用不同基材溫度來做濺鍍以改變薄膜的品質。從實驗結果可得 知,在濺鍍時當基材的溫度越高,其穿透率的改變量有明顯增加,薄膜的 上色與消色過程平衡所需的時間卻越長;但在基材溫度越低時,則反之。 (2)電流路徑的簡化也是改進元件效能的方法之一。我們發現電阻型元 件的電流只會流經薄膜,相對於原來的電極型元件,其電流必須通過固態 電解質,前者的電流路徑較後者大為簡化許多,而且更能促進元件的感測 效能,只需 0.3 V 工作電壓即可運作。電阻型元件所使用濺鍍時基材溫 度為 373 K 之三氧化鎢薄膜,厚度為 3400 A,披覆的固態電解質為 0.06 mM 聚乙烯醇(Poly(vinly alcohol))混合 2mM KHCO3,元件處 於 1.3 V 的偏壓下,作二氧化碳感測時的著色過程與消色過程,可在一 分鐘左右完全達成平衡。比先前的電極型元件在著色消色的過程需要五、 六分鐘才能達到平衡,時間上節省了許多。 In order to improve the optical CO2 microsensor constructed previously, We first tried to change the quality of the WO3 film by sputtering at various temperatures. When WO3 was deposited at elevated temperatures, the device under CO2 shows a larger transmittance variation, but the switching time becomes longer also. We also found that by re-configuration of the device to allow current to go through the WO3 thin film only, the resistor-like device can switch to the CO2 equilibrated state within ~ 1 min at a reduced bias voltage, a significant improvement over the previous electrode-like device.
Appears in Collections:Thesis