Title: 以氧化銥製作固態微型參考電極可行性之研究
Investigation on a Feasible Microreference Electrode Based on IrO2
Authors: 張育斌
Chang, Yubin
Shuchi Chao
Keywords: 氧化銥;固態;微型參考電極;IrO2;solid;microreference electrode
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 本實驗初步成功的發展出一種穩定的微型參考電極。此微型參考電 極以氧化銥薄膜做為電極成分,在氧化銥上覆蓋一層具有緩衝溶液性質的 固態電解質 (PVA + H3PO4 + KH2PO3),並以環氧樹脂 (epoxy) 加以屏敝 ,僅留下離子通道的尾端,提供與外界電解液接觸,讓離子導通。藉由此 固態電解質的緩衝性及環氧樹脂的屏敝,使得固態電解質中的氫離子濃度 維持不變,而根據氧化銥薄膜電位與氫離子濃度的關係式,當氫離子濃度 不變時,氧化銥的電位即可維持不變。 我們對於此微型參考電極相對 於 SCE 作"開路"電位的量測,也就是說在量測過程中,並不提供電子, 因此氧化銥薄膜的平衡態並不會因而被破壞。此微型參考電極在關於溫度 依賴性的實驗中,顯示其相對於一般的參考電極,有著較大的溫度係數。 但在控制溫度不變的條件下,在大氣環境中,實驗的結果證明了此一微型 參考電極,其電位具備了穩定性質。並在多次的實驗中,我們也得到了此 電極電位的可重複性。 A microreference electrode based on sputtered IrO2 and an internal electrolyte derived from PVA / H3PO4 / KH2PO4 has been tested. The solid electrolyte consists of a buffer. An epoxy shield separaties the electrolyte from the external environment. Only a narrow salt bridge connects with the external electrolyte. Since the concentration of H+ in the internal electrolyte remains unchanged, according to the Nernst equation, the IrO2 potential should also be constant when shielded from external redox i The open-circuit of this IrO2 microreference electrode was found to have a temperature coefficient of 2.17 mV/℃. Under temperature control, it was found to be stable and reproduceable both in N2 and air purged KCl solutions. The potential drift is on the order of 35 mV/hr.
Appears in Collections:Thesis