Title: 供HFC系統上行之Bursty QPSK解調器設計與實作
Design and Implemantation of Bursty QPSK Demodulator for HFC System Uplink
Authors: 高秉傑
Kao, Ping-Chieh
Winston I. Way
Keywords: 叢發式時脈回復;時脈相位比較器;HFC網路;QPSK 調變解調器;DQPSK 解調器;纜線數據機;burst timing recovery;clock phase correlator;HFC network;QPSK modem;DQPSK demodulator;cable modem
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 本論文提出可供HFC網路上行使用的bursty DQPSK解調器﹐其中burst timing recovery 採用clock phase correlator﹐此電路優點為 acquisition time短且為minimum jitter。藉著模擬整個HFC網路上行傳 輸﹐可驗證burst timing recovery的功能 ﹐並以FPGA實 際implement 此一bursty DQPSK解調器。最後將看到以商用QPSK chip implement的調 變 解調器﹐已成功結合在cable modem中實際驗證其功能。 In this thesis, we proposed a bursty DQPSK demodulator which can be used in HFC system uplink. The key component of the demodulator, burst timing recovery, is implemented as a clock phase correlator. The advantages of the clock phase correlator are short acquisition time and minimum jitter. The function of clock phase correlator was verified in a system simulation. The demodulator was implemented using FPGA. Finally, by using commercial QPSK modem chips in an actual cable modem, we have successfully demonstratedthe modem's upstream transmission functions.
Appears in Collections:Thesis