Title: 以回溯位置命令為基礎之伺服機構交叉耦合控制
Cross-Coupled Control of Servomechanisms with command Retrogression
Authors: 涂宜宏
Twu, Yi-Horng
Chin, Kan-Ping
Keywords: 回溯位置命令;交叉耦合控制
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: 本文主要是提出新的以回饋線性化控制法及位置命令回溯為基礎之 路徑追蹤交叉耦合控制方式。此方法除了能減小路徑追蹤時的輪廓誤 差,簡化耦合項的計算之外,而且能夠以理論證明系統的穩定性及收 斂性。一般的耦合方式皆只能達到部分的上述的目標,本文使用我們提 出新的耦合控制方式能夠完全符合上述三項的要求。最後用我們所提 出的耦合方式去做各種路徑追蹤之模擬及實驗,而且和其他的耦合方 式互相比較,以證實我們所提出的耦合方式確實能有效的減小輪廓誤 差。
The purpose of this thesis is to develop new cross-coupled controllers for servomechanism control based on the feedback linearization control method and command retrogression. A good cross-coupled algorithm control should be effective in reducing the contour error and easy to compute. Moreover, the stability and convergence of the closed-loop system should be verified analytically. Previous works in cross-coupled control can only achieve some of the aforementioned purposes. With theoretical analysis, computer simulation and hardware experimentation, we have shown that the cross-coupled controllers presented in this thesis can achieve all of the aforementioned purposes.
Appears in Collections:Thesis