Title: 台北市公車專用車道實施績效評估
The performance of Bus Lanes in Taipei
Authors: 崤華珍
Chang, Hua-Zhen
Chen, Wu-Zheng
He, Chen-Dan
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: Installing special bus lanes can save the travel time,
ameliorate the operation environment, and promote the use of
mass transportation. Furthermore, through the special right of
way, the traffic flow is improved and simplified. Therefore,
the level of service will be enhanced. At the same time of such
installation, traffic congestion will be relievedThis research
is divided into two parts to evaluate the performance. First
part is to evaluate the performance of the operation items of
roads. We know that special bus lanes in Taipei improve the
traffic condition, because vehicles with the Same characters
travel on the same lane car make the speed almost identically.
Beside increasing the speed of all kinds of modals and the level
of service, traffic accident rate is lowered. The overall
condition of traffic has improved. Second part is to evaluate
the perception of passengers. We know from early study that the
supporting rate of special bus lanes by bus passengers, car
drivers, motorcycle riders, stores on the roadside, and
companies is between 70% to 90%. The satisfaction rate is
between 60% to 75%, for the other group such as the stores and
companies since parking at the roadside and 1oading, and
unloading goods have became not as convenient as before.
Together with the other indexes, the special bus lanes prove to
bring positive result to all users even though the level of
impact varies. From the whole society's point of view, the
special bus lanes in Taipei are very successful and supported by
most people.The network created by eight special bus lanes in
Taipei has been in operation for ten months. With efficiency on
the rise, the support by people will increase. Under this
situation, the elaboration and expansion of bus lanes network
are inevitable. In this period, the most important thing is to
learn from past experience, and keep the good points to develop
a better transportation system.
Appears in Collections:Thesis