Title: QC 改善履歷及精實六標準差在改善活動方法上之整合及活用
Structuring an improvement-activities methodology and its application: based on QC-Story and Lean Six Sigma
Authors: 蕭舜元
Shun-Yuan Hsiao
Dr. Rong-Kwei Li
Keywords: PDCA;QC 改善履歷;精實六標準差;OPTIMAL;改善活動;PDCA;QC-Story;Lean Six Sigma;OPTIMAL;improvement activity
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 戴明博士在1950年提出 PDCA 品質管理系統之後,包含了QC 改善履歷及精實六標準差等廣為業界所使用的問題改善方法大多依循著PDCA循環來構建,雖然各種方法各有所長,然而在實務的應用上卻也不免有其缺點或不足之處。本研究在整合QC改善履歷及精實六標準差的優點並加入些許新的元素之後,建構出一個可以更廣泛活用在各種改善活動上的新方法,我們稱之為OPTIMAL方法,這七個英文字母分別代表:開始 (Open)、規劃 (Plan)、測試 (Test)、改進 (Improve)、監控 (Monitor and control)、行動 (Act) 以及持續和結案 (Last & close) 等七個階段。此一方法的特色在於提供一個與眾不同的持續改善流程和架構,能更加有效地避免流程中錯誤的發生、降低重工的成本及時間上的浪費,同時也提供了如精實六標準差所具備速度、成本及品質的活動平台。從案例中OPTIMAL方法所提供的周全又能因應各種不同需求,而有不同手法的彈性和特色來看,也讓我們對於新方法在改善活動方法上所潛在的優越性更具信心。
Dr. W. Edwards Deming proposed the famous PDCA Cycle in 1950; it has been provided a general model for several popular improvement-activities methodologies: for instance, QC-Story and Lean Six Sigma were members of them. Although each methodology has its strengths, there is no denying that some weakness is attached as well. In the study, we would like to propose a new improvement-activities methodology, based on the strength and tools of QC-Story & Lean Six Sigma, and tacked on some new elements to it for adapting every kind of improvement activities. The methodology is named “OPTIMAL methodology”, it is composed by seven phases: Open, Plan, Test, Improve, Monitor & control, Act, and Last & close. The methodology is designed to supply faster, cheaper and better platform for quality improvement activity. It’s useful to avoid the mistakes and the wastes of rework in time and cost. In the two cases study, we are exciting in seeing the new methodology can supply useful and flexible solutions for different requirements.
Appears in Collections:Thesis