标题: 以企业资源规划系统为基础之商业智慧应用
A Business Intellligence Application Based on Enterprise Resource Planning System
作者: 曾能彬
Neng Pin Tseng
Duen Ren Liu
关键字: 商业智慧;企业资源规划系统;资料仓储;线上分析;Business Intelligence;BI;ERP;Data Warehouse;OLAP
公开日期: 2005
摘要: ERP系统虽提供了丰富的分析资料来源,但基于三点限制,使得ERP系统并不适于直接作为决策分析的工具。首先,ERP通常只保存系统现况的资料,因此不利于进行趋势分析。其次,ERP的主要目的是作为交易系统,如果在同一系统上进行大量的资料分析作业,会对系统的效能造成不良的影响。再者,ERP系统通常本身并不配备图形化和具备互动性的报表工具,通常使用者必须要再经过加工调整以后,才能符合主管所要的格式。透过商业智慧系统的建置,我们便可以克服这些限制,在提供更多样、更即时、更便利的资料分析功能的同时,亦不影响交易系统的效能。

Although Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are good at capturing and storing data, the systems lack capabilities to analyze and report data due to some constraints. Firstly, ERP systems usually keep data about organizations’ current status. This makes it difficult to perform the trend analysis directly on ERP systems. Secondly, the ERP system is the backbone of data processing for many organizations. Performing many long queries at the same time directly on the ERP system may have a severe impact on the system performance. Thirdly, many ERP systems themselves do not provide the tools to create chart and interactive reports. Users usually have to download the raw data from ERP systems and build the chart reports on their own by using their desktop tools. Through building a business intelligence (BI) environment, we could conquer these constraints and make business analytics more flexible, responsive and convenient but with no or minimal impact on the performance of the ERP system.

Through the use of data warehouse, this study successfully integrates ERP and non-ERP systems data sources. The case study shows that a cost effective BI solution could be built if available software resources are well utilized. The new BI application offers better data report quality and speed up significantly the creation of management reports.