Title: GPS及GIS應用於公路工程設施清查之研究
Application of GPS and GIS Highway Census on Facilities
Authors: 黃文魁
Huang, Wen-Kwei
Wu-Cheng Chen
Keywords: 全球衛星定位系統;地理資訊系統;公路普查;GPS;GIS;Census
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: Application of GPS and GIS to Highway Census on Facilities Student:Wen-Kwei Huang Advisors:Dr. Wu-Cheng Chen Institute of Traffic and Transportation National Chiao Tung University ABSTRACT Due to the gradual development of Highway construction and the frequentchange of related Highway facilities, in order to manage the development ofHighway facilities easily, Taiwan Provincial Government set up Highway CensusPlan on 1961. The census is to be held every 10 years to establish and correctthe fundamental data of Highway for the actual control of present situationof Highway engineering development. This will be the important information forthe reference of Highway planning, evaluation, maintenance and traffic safety. It is considered that Census held in the past was usually done by man-pilingand hand-pulling of linen tape rule which needed investing huge man-power ,material and time. But now the subject and object points of view on circumst- ance and conditions have being changed, it's not easy and economic to utilize such a scale of man-power and material resources for Census. Besides, the man- agement and operation of data were also used to be charged by human labor. so,the frequency change of data often leads to some defects of the management,eg.wasting time and money to collect and renew the data, scattered storage of thedata caused the contents of the data not identical , and much duplicated dataof forms as well as the records of important data couldn't meet the actual ap-plication and demand and be renewal in time. Just because of the above mentio-ned defects, this research is to analyse the problems and character of the census and management of present situation of Highway engineering developmentand to study the application of Global Positioning System on the method and operation process of Census. We hope by means of the technique (character) of quick and accurate survey of GPS to set up the position of Highway engineeringdevelopment and an electronic Highwaymap. Furthermore, with coordination of setting geographical database of Highway facilities and utilization of the character of the strong managing of GIS on geographical information , we may proceed to manage of the data of space and attribute.
Appears in Collections:Thesis