Title: 台鐵大肚機廠基本佈置計劃之研究
A Study on the General Overall Layout Plan of TRA Ta-Tu Railway Workshop
Authors: 林文雄
Lin, Wen Hsiung
Wu-Cheng Chen
Keywords: 基本佈置;鐵路機廠;大修;系統化佈置計劃;因素分析法;general overall layout;railway workshop;overhaul;systematic layout planning;factor analysis
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 本研究將建立一套系統化之鐵路機廠基本佈置方法。基本佈置係統合廠區 內之基本作業流程,並決定各作業場所之大小、相互關係與組成,以作為 爾後細部佈置之基礎。本研究應用Richard Muther 所研發之系統化佈置 計劃(SLP)方法,研擬台鐵大肚機廠之基本佈置。首先構建基本佈置內容 ,再訂定計劃目標、指導方針及計劃原則,爾後逐步解析大肚基本佈置之 問題,據以研擬二個符合限制條件且可行之基本方案,最後利用因素分析 法評估,評估一個最佳方案,提供台鐵參考。 This study employs a systematic method to analyze different general overall plans of the workshop. The study uses the Systematic Layout Planning (SLP)method, by which it draws up five goals, six guidelines, forty-two principles,and analyzes the problem of the general overall layout of Ta-Tu Railway Workshop. It comes up two alternatives, which may be feasible and conform to the constraints. Using the factor analysis it obtains an optimum solution forthe system. Consequently, this result provides TRA a reference for decisionmaking of the railway workshop relocation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis