Title: | 臺灣地區人口遷移與地區發展之研究 The Study of Population Migration and Local Development on Taiwain Island |
Authors: | 張育銘 Chang, Yu-ming 馮正民 Cheng-min Feng 運輸與物流管理學系 |
Keywords: | 人口遷移;地區發展;population migration;local development |
Issue Date: | 1997 |
Abstract: | 人口不但是構成生產要素的條件之一,亦是消費的主體,其數量的多寡與 素質的優劣不但影響國家或地區的發展強弱程度,也關係著其發展的速度, 故人口的成長與地區的發展有著密不可分的關係。臺彎地區的人口成長型 態由過去快速成長型轉為快速下降型,再轉變成目前的持續穩定下降型,因 此關於人口研究的焦點,已從國家總人口成長(出生、死亡)的問題,轉移至 人口遷移與與分佈的課題上。由於臺灣地區的人口屬於「封閉性」型態, 因此研究臺灣地區人口遷移的對象主要為境內遷徙。 許多研究指出,地 區間發展程度的差異(經濟環境、生活品質等)才是影響遷移行為產生的主 要因素。地區的發展主要受政府政策所影響, 由於各地區資源條件的差異 造成地區間發展程度的差異,因而產生了人口遷移的行為。遷移行為會改 變人口的分佈型態 ,使得資源重新分配,進而產生資源分配的公平性及效 益性問題,政府為了解決問題而重新制定政策。 本研究從臺灣本島上各 縣市的生活、生產、生態差異,探討民國81年至85年人口遷移與分佈的情 況。各縣市依地區發展的相似程度分為八類,生產環境最好的為第一類(臺 北市);生態環境最好的為第六類(花蓮縣、臺東縣);生活環境最好的為第 四類(嘉義市)。人口遷移的型態大多還是以遷往社會經濟環境較佳的縣市 為主,尚還有預期未來較佳的因素。人口的分佈主要還是集中在北部地區, 東部地區的人口不多,大量的外移會加大區域間的差距;由於政策的關係, 人口多由週邊遷往該地區或生活圈的發展中心。 Population is not only a factor which explains production,but also that explains primary consumption.The quantity and quality of population influence on the scale and velocity of nation or local development.Recently,the major study on the growth of population has become in migration and distribution from the birth and death in Taiwan. Because of the closed character of population in Taiwan,the main issue lies with internal migration.Many researches have pointed out that the different extent of local development is a main factor which influences on migration,such as economical environment and the quality of life.Local development is guided by nation policy.The natural resorces makt the difference between local developments,and the movements of migration have been occurred. Migration will change the distribution of population,and reallocate the resources. Then,the problems are taken place in equity and efficiency,and prompt government tomodify the policy.The study explores population migration and distribution from life,produce,and ecology environments on Taiwan island during 1992 to 1996.In this study,counties are classified into eight groups,according to development similarity.Then,the difference between the groups is analyzed.Finally,population migration and distribution are disscussed.Po;ulaion is dense in north region whereas rare in east region in which outmigraion will increase the gap between other regions.Dus to the government policy,the study reveals that people living on the far side of city center are encouraged to move to center of life circle. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/62627 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |