Title: 企業對外投資與系統風險影響之研究
A Study on the Relationship between Foreign Direct Investment and Systematic Risk
Authors: 陳昭維
Chen, Jau-Wei
Hung Chih-Young
Keywords: 對外投資;系統風險;Foreigo Direct Investment;Systematic Risk
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 摘要 隨著國內經濟環境的快速變化,使得台灣企業基於產業結構轉型、開發新 市場與接近市場或 原料等因素而進行對外直接投資。可以預見的是,未來台灣會有更多的企 業走向國際化,對 外投資的數目與範圍也會擴大。 然而企業進行對外投資時,除了策略性的考量與獲取報酬外,更應仔細評 估對外直接投資對 公司風險的影響。但目前國內對此議題並沒有深入的探討,因此,本研究 將分析企業的對外 投資與其公司系統風險的相關性,而系統風險與公司的評價有相當直接的 關係,本研究的結 果可以作為未來企業從事對外投資以及個別投資者評估企業時的參考。 本研究以民國八十年至八十五年台灣證券交易所上市的123家製造業公司為研究樣本。經過 相關的變異數與複迴歸分析,得到下面的實證結果: 一、 有從事對外投資的多國籍企業與沒有從事對外投資的單國籍企業,其系統風險有顯著 的不同。 二、 迴歸模型中自變數與系統風險的變動方向如下:總槓桿程度與系統風險呈正相關,銷 售規模、總資產成長率與系統風險呈負相關,負債比率、股利支付率與系統風險的相 關性並不顯著。 三、 對外投資比率與系統風險的關係也並不明確,其原因可能有下面幾點:1.大多數企業 從事對外投資的金額與比例並不高,主要的轉投資仍以國內相關事業為主,因此,想 經由對外投資達到分散風險的目的,其效果就有待商榷。2.台灣企業著重製造,以降 低製造成本為首要工作,對外投資的動機常是為了降低成本,所從事的還是本業。當 這種成本降低所帶來的利益被對外投資所帶來風險損失所侵蝕,則企業反而面對更大 的損失與風險。3.台灣企業的對外投資,偏重在亞洲與美洲地區。在投資地區並不廣 泛的情況下,分散風險的效果就大打折扣。 Abstract The rapidly changing environment has exerted great pressure on Taiwan business firms. A common response for those firms is to conduct foreign direct investment. It is widely believed that Taiwan firms will become more and more globalized both in terms of number and of scale. However, in every foreign direct investment project, it is important not only to consider its strategic implication but also the risk consequence. In this research, I examined the relationship between a company's foreign direct investment and systematic risk. It is hoped that the result of the essay can provide some insight for companies which are engaged in foreign direct investment. Using ANOVA and regression analysis, I have the following conclusion : First, the systematic risks of MNCs' and DMCs' are significant different. Second, total degree of leverage is positively related to systematic risk. Sales and the growth rate of total assets are founded to be negatively related to systematic risk. Debt ratio and dividend payout ratio are not significantly related to systematic risk. Third, however the results on the relationship between foreign direct investment ratio and systematic risk is mix.
Appears in Collections:Thesis