Title: 電腦角色扮演遊戲中的神話原型之研究
The Research of the Mythic Archetypes in the Computer Role- Playing Games
Authors: 周榮
Chou, Jung
Chien Chou
Keywords: 電腦遊戲;角色扮演遊戲;神話;原型;榮格心理學;敘述分析;Computer Games;Role-Playing Games;Mythology;Archetypes;Jung's Psychology;Narrative Analysis
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 本研究企圖探討榮格心理學中所提及之神話原型的概念和結構是否存在於 電腦角色扮演遊戲之中,如何藉由各種象徵符碼表現於文本之中,並其與 使用者的遊玩經歷之間的關係,以及設計者創作這樣的結構的過程。本研 究主要針對英雄原型進行分析,以Campell所提出的英雄的冒險模型為分 析電腦角色扮演遊戲的主要架構,描述英雄從出發、經過門檻、通過試煉 、取得神力並且回歸的循環式旅程。因為研究時間的考量,本研究選擇以 劇情為主的心理象限作為主要探討的層次。基於榮格心理學中對於集體潛 意識的定義,理論上,不管是設計者、玩者或是遊戲本身都受到了原型的 影響。因此,本研究設計了名為「建構式觀察法」的研究方法組合,同時 分析這三種不同的研究對象。對於遊戲本身,本研究以國產RPG《仙劍奇 俠傳》為研究對象,採用敘述分析的方式,以獲得文本中隱藏的神話結構 、隱喻和象徵;對於使用者,本研究則對網路上玩過《仙劍奇俠傳》的玩 者進行招募,採用網路焦點團體討論的方式收集資料,以獲取其對遊玩經 驗的詮釋;最後對於《仙劍奇俠傳》之設計者,則採用電子郵件問卷的紙 上訪談,以獲得設計者原始的創作概念。本研究經由建構式觀察法,整理 了來自敘述分析、網路焦點團體討論和電子郵件問卷的資料後,證實了英 雄原型確實存在於遊戲文本、遊戲玩家和遊戲設計者的關係之中,影響了 設計者創作的過程,也形構了劇情的結構,也刺激了玩者的慾望和感動, 同時也回應了榮格、Campbell、和Propp等人的理論。 The major purpose of this study was to investigate the impacts of the mythic archetypes, which were discussed in Jung's psychological theories, in the narrative structures in computer role-playing games (CRPG), their players' experiences, and the designers' design process.This study focused on the "hero" archetype, in particular, Joseph Campbell's model of hero's adventure, to analyze the narrative structures. There are three research methods used in this study. First, a narrative analysis was conducted on a domestic RPG entitled "The Saga of the Xian Jang Chi-Shia" to recognize the symbols of the hero archetype. Secondly, a networked focus group discussion was held on the Internet to collect the data of players' experiences and interpretations. Finally, an electronic mailquestionnaire was distributed to the game's designers to collect their original ideas and design principles.The results of this study indicated that the hero archetype existed in the structure of the CRPG, the players' playing experiences, and the designers' original concepts. The reflections on the applications of Jung's theories and Propp's methodologies were provided, and future research issues were also discussed.
Appears in Collections:Thesis