Title: 利用虛擬實境技術進行個人電腦組裝訓練
Personal Computer Assembly Training by Virtual Reality Technique
Authors: 柯廷潔
Ke, Tyng-Jye
Zen Chen
Keywords: 虛擬實境;手勢;手勢辨認;個人電腦;組裝訓練;訓練;virtual reality;gesture;gesture recognition;personal computer;assembly training;training
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 本論文是設計一套個人電腦組裝職訓的虛擬實境系統,使用時受訓者 頭部戴上頭盔顯示器,本系統則即時輸出立體的組裝工作台場景,可看到 工作台上各種逼真貼圖的組件及工具,然後受訓者移動雙手,開始從事組 裝動作,系統便一一將組裝過程的結果做立體顯示,並可檢驗組裝動作的 正確性。 我們所使用的方法是,先安置兩部攝影機,分別位於人體的 右前方以及左前方,使之能拍攝受訓者前桌面上雙手的動作,並將攝影機 加以調校。受訓者透過頭盔顯示器判斷虛擬工作台上的組裝零件,將戴上 三色手套的雙手深入工作台上從事組裝,利用手部位置追蹤及手掌影像處 理的技術,將雙手手套上的手指特徵點找出,並利用電腦視覺的方法,計 算出雙手手掌的三維位置與手部活動情形,且將辨識動作所代表的意義( 產品組裝指令),輸入虛擬工作台上,從事個人電腦組裝訓練。 The primary objective of this thesis is to design a system of personal computer assembly training by virtual reality technique. A real person who is on job training can use his hands to engage in assembling a personal computer on a virtual work bench in real time, while wearing head-mounted display. The system will display and check the results of assembly operations. In our methods we use two calibrated TV cameras mounted in the upper left and right positions on the ceiling to properly capture the video pictures of human assembly operations. The person wears HMD and puts on three- color gloves during assembling the products on the virtual work bench. We will find the feature points on fingers through computer vision techniques, and will calculate the hand position and hand assembly gestures to assembly parts into a personal computer.
Appears in Collections:Thesis