Title: CDPD共用AMPS 頻道之效能評估
CDPD over Shared AMPS Channels : A Performance Analysis
Authors: 李宗源
Lee, Tzung-Yung
Lin Yi-Bing
Keywords: CDPD;CDPD
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: CDPD (Cellular Digital Packet Data) 提供移動中的使用者能夠存 取低廉而且無遠弗界的無線數據網路。CDPD可以架設在現存的AMPS類比蜂 巢式系統上,並且基於不相互干擾的原則下共用AMPS系統的基本設施。由 於CDPD使用AMPS閒置的無線頻道資源,確認 CDPD 系統不會影響 AMPS 的 正常動作就顯得相當重要。為了確認 CDPD 不影響AMPS的動作,CDPD 定 義許多的計時器(Timer)以及系統參數。在這篇論文中,我們研究這些計 時器以及系統參數如何影響AMPS/CDPD的系統效能;我們的研究成果可提 供業者在CDPD網路規劃時,作為選擇輸入參數的準則。 Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) offers mobile users access to alow-cost, ubiquitous, wireless data network. CDPD can be overlaid onexisting AMPS analog cellular systems and share their infrastructureequipments on a non-interfering basis. Since CDPD utilizes the idleradio resources of AMPS, it is important to ensure that the normal AMPSactivities are not affected by CDPD. Several timers and system parametersare defined in CDPD for this purpose. This thesis investigates how thesetimers and parameters affect the performance of the AMPS/CDPD systems.Our study provides guidelines to select input parameters for CDPD networkplanning.
Appears in Collections:Thesis