Title: 一個基於程式切片技術將程式自動平行的方法
Program parallelization by the Program Slicing Techniques
Authors: 林志鴻
Lin, Chih-Hong
Wuu Yang
Keywords: 程式切片;自動平行;program slicing;slice;maxslice;parallelization
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 如何將非平行程式語言所寫的程式自動平行化一直是大家所感興趣的研 究課題,因為如果要將現存的大量程式在多處理器的工作平台上執行且充 分利用平行的機制的話便需要有方法能將程式自動的平行。程式切片技術 是一種可以將程式中我們感興趣的程式片段獨立出來的方法。利用此方法 我們可以將程式中可以平行的部份獨立出來,如此一來便可以將程式儘可 能的平行化,充分利用工作環境達到較佳的執行效果! It is always an interesting topic about how to automatically parallel a pogram written by non-parallel language. If we want to use a multiprocessor equipment adequately, we have to use a method to transform existing large programs into parallel programs. Program slicing is a technique that canidentify relevant statements of a program that we are interested. We can usethis technique to help us to find out the parallelism of a program. By this method, we can find out mostly parallelization of program and use equipment adequately.
Appears in Collections:Thesis