Title: 運用孫子兵法規劃台灣通訊零組件產業拓展國際市場
Using Sun-Wu Art of War to Increase Global Market Penetration of Taiwan’s Communications Components Industry
Authors: 張致吉
Chih-Chi Chang
Chien-Chung Lee
Hsiao-Cheng Yu
Keywords: 孫子兵法;戰略;零組件;行動電話;Sun-Tze;War Strategy;Component;Mobile Phone
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: 古今中外探討兵法與策略應用的著作與理念非常多,當今最為人稱道的是中國的 「孫子兵法」,短短十三章的著作卻蘊含著「兵法、戰略、策略」的三結合。十三章雖各有涵義,但卻有連貫性,若是單獨使用則失掉其全盤構想與整體鏈結的意義。兵法運用於企業管理方面的論著有許多,但是運用於產業政策與產業推動卻少見,本論文研究即是運用孫子兵法思維體系,以手機與通訊零組件產業為例,從需求面探討目前國際手機大廠在供應鏈體系的結構,並從結構中找出國內手機及零組件供應商在全球供應鏈體系中所扮演的角色,再從採購需求與供應條件上作上下游關係的分析與探討,了解台灣手機與零組件產業之競爭優勢,全程轉換策略構想,進而找出協助產業進攻全球市場的策略,佈建產業建設綱要,以及擬訂未來產業推動短中長程的規劃方向。研究結果如下:從國家最高決策與背景來看:積極推動我國通訊產業之發展,提升國際競爭力為宗旨,促使通訊產業為台灣下一個火車頭產業,並期望2008產值超過一兆台幣。分析問題發現:關鍵零組件與技術半數以上操控於外商,生產成本難以掌控,產業技術的發展趨勢更是難以掌握在手,遑論掌握產業競爭優勢。從通訊產業的現況找出零組件產業推動的方向,擬訂之產業策略與政策:(1)在現有國內產業經營的型態下促銷國產通訊零組件產品。(2)協助國內產業推動零組件產品至國際市場。(3)促進與國際大廠合作設計下一世代系統所需之零組件規格。另外,未來政策的擬定應是從外而內的審視分析,從全球分工體系思考產業重組的方向與重點,中國大陸的產業對台灣產業的威脅在未來政策執行時須特別留意,隨時修正。
There have been discussions of applying Sun-Tze War Strategy on Corporate management. This thesis attempted to extend it to industry development. The overall trains of strategic planning and decision logic was followed rather than converting the lessons in each of the thirteen chapters in the book. The key components of mobile phones were the subject of this study. The strengths and weaknesses of Taiwan’s key component industry in the global supply-chain of multinational mobile phone giants were discussed. Understanding the buyers’ strategies and needs, then the suppliers’ positioning in the global market and the long- and short-term plans can be constructed. The government can organize Taiwanese manufacturers’ capabilities and products and make it easy accessed by the sourcing and purchasing offices of buyers. The government can also facilitate communication between major mobile phone manufacturers and domestic key component suppliers in an attempt to plan ahead and even design-in Taiwanese key components in next generation mobile phones.
Appears in Collections:Thesis