Title: | 水資源系統供水可用度分析研究 Water Supply Availability Analysis for Water Resources System |
Authors: | 鍾寬茂 Chung, Kuan-Mao 楊錦釧 湯有光 Yang, Jinn-Chuang Tung, Yeou-Koung 土木工程學系 |
Keywords: | 水資源系統;缺水指數 |
Issue Date: | 1997 |
Abstract: | 由於工商業的高度發展,各項標的對水資源的需求日益增加;水資源系統之目的即在滿足人類各項活動需用水,但由於水文不確定性的存在,欲規劃一完全不缺水之水資源系統將不切實際且不符經濟原則!故研定在某一容許的缺水條件下,系統所能提供之穩定出水量為規劃之首要課題〔1〕,惟其所含容許的缺水程度究竟為何?至今仍未有統一之標準〔1〕。
現有文獻中所建議之水資源效益評估方法流程,均過於簡化而不夠完備,其中也未提出適當的統計方法,致使工程人員在實際運用上常有盲點。故本研究之主要目的,在於藉由對缺水事件之統計分析,建構一套供水可用度判別程序,並以台灣南部高屏暨曾文流域水資源調配系統為實例,說明可用度之評估程序,並以之與現行之缺水指數(SI)做一比較,結果顯示:複合性可用度判別過程之評估程序相當完備。 The rapid growth on industrial and commercial development has greatly increased the demand for water. Through proper operation a water resources system achieve to satisfy various types of water demand. Due to the inherent hydrologic uncertainty and others, it is impossible and economically impractical to design a water resources project having a sufficient capacity for all demands. Therefore, to determine a reliable yield with an allowable shortage is a key issue for assessing in the performance of a water resources projects. Furthermore the issue on the tolerances for various projects, is contraversial and does not have an acceptable standard. Currently shortage index is a common technique used for the assessment. The purpose of this study is to present a procedure on the availability evaluation a water resources of system. This procedure emphasizes on the statistical analyses of failure data, and is applied to the Kao-Ping & Tseng-Un River Basin Management System as an example. A comparison with the commonly used SI index, has shown that the proposed method is superior. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/63264 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |