Title: 以濺鍍氧化銥薄膜製作微型參考電極之研究
Investigation on a Microreference Electrode Based on Sputtered Iridium Oxide Film
Authors: 藍國能
Lan, Guo-Nebg
Chao, Shu-Chi
Issue Date: 1997
Abstract: 在本實驗中,我們已經成功地研發出一種穩定的微型參考電極,我們的微 型參考電極是以濺鍍氧化銥薄膜做為電極成份,並在氧化銥薄膜上覆蓋一層具 有緩衝溶液性質的固態電解質(PVA+KH2PO4+H3PO4),再以環氧樹脂(epoxy) 加以屏蔽,僅留一小窗口,最後再以固化劑封住窗口,將元件包裝完成。 在我們一連串的實驗結果中,可以發現濺鍍氧化銥薄膜的電位具備有穩定 性和可重覆性,濺鍍氧化銥薄膜本身也具有化性低和不可溶的特性。這三項特 性正是參考電極的基本要求,因此濺鍍氧化銥薄膜可以充當參考電極的電極材 料。
A microreference electrode based on sputtered iridium oxide film and an internal electrolyte derived from PVA / KH2PO4 / H3PO4, has been tested. The internal solid electrolyte consists of a buffer. An epoxy shield and an insolubilized solid electrolyte layer separaties the internal electrolyte from the external environment. Since the pH in the internal electrolyte remains unchanged, according to the Nernst equation, the indium oxide potential should be constant under a temperature control. We have successfully made a stable microreference based on sputtered indium oxide film.
Appears in Collections:Thesis